
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 Good Morning people of the world!  Right now the temp in Central PA is a comfortable 64 (F) with a high expected to climb into the low 80s (F).  Today's my day off, so I can live with that.

Yesterday was my first day back at work and I knew instantly that I'm going to need to reduce my availability.  After talking about my Grecian adventure with the Store Manager, I asked him if I'd missed anything.  He replied, "well, we fired a scoundrel," then he looked at me and said, "I can tell you the details."  It's nice to have been a Human Resources representative if you want to get the dirt.  The associate was fired for theft, a top reason we terminate people, mostly because they believe they're smarter than the system.  They're not.

Here's an interesting bit:  Friday night, as I was grabbing my suitcase from my car, I saw a white, domesticated bunny in my yard.  When I walked towards it, the bunny turned and I saw that the fur on the left side was brown and mottled, like that of a wild bunny.  When I walked towards it, the bunny turned it's wild side to me and hopped away.  Tame vs wild, I thought.  I found the symbolism intriguing.  When I told my friend, Patty, she said, "meh."  2000 years ago, that bunny would have been seen as a sign from the gods.

One of my core beliefs is that when you travel, you should eat the cuisine of the area, country, region you are in, and since I like Greek food, I had no problem with this.  This did not apply to other members of my group, who stuck with the same basic food groups they ate in their homelands.  Not me at all.  I did learn things though.  Our local restaurants serve Tzatziki as an appetizer eaten by itself, so when I ordered a dish, that's what I did.  It was only later that I learned that it's most often spread on thin slices of bread.  Tzatziki is a mixture of yoghurt, cucumber slices, and garlic... a lot of garlic, so much garlic that, as Christos said, "you could kill a fly a 5 meters."  Anyway, on Saturday, since I like Greek cuisine, I made moussaka (think of it as Greek Shepard's Pie), and it is delicious.

And a lot of people are upset because the Main Stream Media has left the eating of the cats and dogs behind and moved onto the phony assassination attempt.  This should have been expected.  Remember, they are always looking for their next hot topic because reporting on the same old cat and dog eating stories get old.  The American faux news consumer is always looking for fresh meat.  To those who are complaining, I say "Fear Not."  Trump's mind is like a garbage dump.  Because he can't help himself, it's only a matter of time be for he vomits up something new and vile.  Also, keep in mind, each regurgitation will be worse.  Probably the best thing we can all do is to sit back, eat a big bowl of Tzatziki, and breath in his direction.


  1. Don’t forget our secret.

  2. OMG yes!
    Tzatziki is fab!! And how would anybody go to a place and NOT eat the local food? Or at least try some standards? Can't.
    And somebody was stealing from the Orange Giant? Idiots. They'll always be caught. Always.


    1. I love Greek food. We have a Greek festival every spring in Camp Hill and the food is always scrumptious!

  3. One reason to travel is to try the food as you did, your fellow travelers missed out ! Kudos for cooking Greek food at home.
    Tzatziki goes best with gyros, how I miss the gyros I had at a taverna at the base of the Acropolis.
    As far as Trumpy goes, he’ll choke on his lies.

    1. I was surprised when Christos had to explain to people what a gyro was; I thought everybody knew about gyros.

  4. Why would anyone travel to a foreign country, region or, hell, even state, and not eat the local foods???

    1. I have no idea. One of the reasons you go places is to experience the culture, and that means their foods.

  5. It's funny, because in talking to people many didn't seem to care about the second attempt! LMAO!!!

    1. And the Republicans are really upset about that so many are merely shrugging it off and saying "meh."

  6. I always eat as the locals do (well mainly - I still won't eat snails and frogs legs). I mean, who wants fish and chips when there is all that wonderful Greek food around.

    1. Our trip took us mostly around the coast of southern Greece, so there was always a lot of seafood on the menu. One evening I had a nice seafood and orzo dish, and I was surprised when people asked me what orzo was.
