
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, September 27, 2024

The Anniversary

 Outside, the temp is a very humid 71 (F).  Our skies are supposed to remain overcast until Tuesday and every day we have the same forecast:  cloudy with rain and, or showers.  Sometime on Monday, the remnants of Helene are going to wash over us and, after that, temps will drop down into the upper 60s (F) and our Autumn weather will resume.  

The only odd thing about my Greek adventure happened with the great, orange retailer I work for, they changed the way they payout vacation pay.  As a result, they paid me for 56 hours of vacation for a 40 hour work week.  So, I got a very nice paycheck today... and I transferred most of it into my savings.  Were I fulltime, this would have pissed me off, however, I'm part-time, and after this week, I'm only going to be work 3-4 days a week, between 20 - 24 hours.  

And, while I was in Greece, I celebrated my anniversary date with said home improvement retailer.  16 years!  How did I get here?  Well, after college, I started in the accounting department of the Harrisburg Marriott and was there for 11 years.  Then, I caught the HR Director doing something incredibly unethical, filed a complaint, and discovered corporate will always side with upper management.  I resigned and spent the next year living off my bank account.  My next job was with Woolworth, where I managed the payroll for all the Woolworth stores, as well as the employees in the Woolworth building in NYC.  Woolworth, sadly, went bankrupt and I was laid off with quite a number of other people.  I applied for an accounting job with International Paper and was hired, so literally one day I was working for Woolworth and the next I was was behind my desk at International Paper.  I managed Accounts Payable for the Eastern Seaboard until my job was exported to Krakow, Poland, and I was once again laid off.  Never one to worry, I told myself, "I'm going to give it 5 months to see if I can get another job," and 4 months and 27 days later I applied for the Human Resources position with the orange retailer.  Five months and 3 days later I was hired, and that was 16 years ago.  How did they celebrate this anniversary?  With a badge and a brown paper bag of candy..

One of the things that is pissing me off in this election cycle is the way the Main Stream Media is sanewashing Trump.  His ranting, ramblings are not covered.  Fox Entertainment likes to broadcast his so-called rallies, but they all too often cut away when he ventures into dementia territory.  Another thing that is truly pissing me off is the way the MSM is constantly attempting to make it seem as if the Harris campaign is on it's last legs.  This morning one of the headlines read, "The Dems and Their Hail Mary."  For those who don't know, the Hail Mary Pass originated in American football, when in the last seconds of the game the losing team attempts an almost impossible pass in their attempt to win the game.  This is either a broad attempt to demoralize Democratic voters, or, possibly, given them an incentive to go to the polls.  I'm thinking it's the former, rather than the latter, though unfortunately for most Democrats it's turning out to be an incentive.  Get your ass to the polls this November and help send a spawn of Satan back to Hell.


  1. Yay happy anniversary!
    Whoa. That was a JOURNEY. But I think that many people have been through something like that once or twice in their lives.

    And the MSM pisses me off because they do not REPORT on Cheeto. As you say, they sanewash their incredibly insane rants and give people a sanitized version of his rhetorical poison. Ugh.

    Also, are you gonna wear your badge at work?


    1. Thanks, and no, I will not wear the badge at work. You should know by now, I don't wear any badges that put me into one specific niche group, that keeps you from spreading yourself thin, and sometimes the fullest life comes from being spread thin.

  2. Keep working I say. My mother was with the federal government for 40 some years, since she retired she decided to work part-time, and now she's at that job 21 years. I think it keeps her mind active keeps her social, unless she said gives her purpose.

  3. Congratultions on 16 years in!!! I'm disgusted that management sided with the crook rather than you when you discovered that "irregularity" - but sadly I'm not totally surprised!

    1. What surprised me most was the retaliation. I was lucky to be in a financially sound position that let me just tell them to piss off.
