
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Rent (not the musical)

 So, it's Thursday morning and we have rain.  The temperature is predicted to climb up into the mid 70s (F) today, humidity is supposed to increase, and late this afternoon or early this evening we may or may not be having additional thunderstorms.  This is the weather pattern we're under for the next several days.  Most of the rain from Hurricane Helene will have dissipated by the time her remnants roll into Central PA, at best they're saying we might get another inch of rain.

I went rowing yesterday rather than cycling.  Different muscle groups.  I should have remembered what happens when new muscle groups, those that haven't been stretched or worked in a while, get used.  I didn't, and last evening I got a cramp in my right quad when I stood up.  Honestly, it was a very good thing I wasn't holding a glass of wine.  

One of the conversations I had while in Greece was about how expensive it was to live in Athens, that a decent apartment went for around 900 Euros a month.  (I checked, for a one bedroom apartment, the average rent is between $700 and $900 per month.)  And I said something to the effect of that being similar to what people pay in Central PA.  Being a home owner, I was clueless when it came to knowing what people pay for rent.  Also, being the curious type, yesterday I spent a few minutes checking to see what the average rent payment withing a 5 mile radius of my house.  Wow!  was I wrong.  While you can get a studio apartment for around $1000, it's tiny.  The average cost for a one bedroom apartment with appliances is between $1400 and $1600 a month.  I also know that the average take home pay from one of our full time plumbing specialists is around $1900 a month.  So, over here we get paid better, but our rents are about $500 a month higher, and that's in Central PA.  An apartment in a city comparable in size to Athens would be much more expensive.

Here's an old picture of me holding my first Cannondale.  This was taken around 25 years ago.

And it seems as though Eric Adams, the Mayor of NYC, was caught taking... handouts from foreign governments like Turkey, and Israel (there are several more listed).  When ever I hear things like this, I just want to smack these people up side their heads.  I get angry because they turn out to be that stupid, thinking they're going to get away with it.  Why are so many, so easy to corrupt.  Why do they fail when it comes to making a moral judgement?  I don't feel sorry for this man in the least.  He rationalized his way into make a terrible decision, and now his historical footnote will be that he was corrupt.  


  1. When I first moved back to Harrisburg I looked at various Apartments, and couldn't find anything under 1200 dollars. Granted these were bigger Apartments so that's why I moved to the ancestral home, as I don't plan a very extended stay here for too many years. By the way that's a great picture!

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad I don't have to go apartment hunting, since I plan on staying where I am until I'm old and decrepit.

  2. You look really happy in that photo. Hope the bike treated you well. I don't know how people survive with the amount of rent that is being charged. It is bonkers.

    1. That bike treated me excellently!! And one of the reasons our rent is so high is that we have 3 large, training hospitals within 5 miles of my house. Because of that housing prices have gone sky high.

  3. Oh, babes.
    Here in Chicago (and the suburbs) you cannot get a two bedroom for less than two thousand (more when you include utilities and internet and the works!). I could buy a house.

    And I don't feel sorry for Adams. I feel sorry that NY could have chosen a different person and they did not....


    1. Here, you usually get a washer/dryer combo, but utilities are extra, as well as cable, if you're foolish enough to sign up.

  4. Sad that Democrats demand Adams resign for his crimes, but the GOP wants their criminal elected to the presidency.

    1. They've always been rather protective of their criminal element.

  5. We were talking about rents/wages just yesterday but because we're right on the French/Swiss border everything is VERY skewed! If you're lucky enough to earn a Swiss salary you can make out like crazy but as that pushes prices up, those earning "only" French salaries can have a really difficult time. I'm glad I own my own place!

    1. Owning your own home is one of the best feelings in the world!
