
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Rain in Pylos

 Good Morning, people of the world!

I thought yesterday was going to be the last day our temps were going to be climbing up into the 80s (F).  I was wrong.  That'll happen today, if it happens, because we're basically borderline 80s (F).  Sometime this afternoon, the showers and thundershowers will move in and our temps will begin to fall.  That is until we get our yearly blast of Indian Summer.  For those of you who don't know, Indian Summer occurs after the first frost of the year and our temps will zoom upwards for about a week.  

Speaking of rain, when I got to Greece the country was going through a serious dry spell.  Melena, our guide for the Acropolis in Athens told us that olives were normally harvested in December, "but who knows this year because we've had so little rain."  Well, on our last night in Pylos we got rain.  At dinner, we chose a restaurant that had an awning in anticipation, the rain, however, didn't begin until after midnight.  And it did rain.  There was thunder.  It was still raining the next morning.  One of our our group who wasn't prepared, texted our tour leader Christos telling him he was going out to try and find a store that was open in order to buy an umbrella.  While trying to find him, Christos got soaked, only to find that the group member was safe and dry back at the hotel. Anyway, the rain was all everybody was talking about, and how it was going to be raining when we got to Olympia.  I don't know how many times I told them not to worry, "it's not going to rain."  Of course, when we got there the sun was out and the temperature was climbing.  Did they really think the gods were going to let it rain on my visit to one of the best preserved archeological sites in Greece?  For those who don't know, this is Hermes.

Of course, the Mark Robinson scandal is creating serious chaos in the Republican party and the Orange Anus will not take back his endorsement.  Orangie can't.  That would mean he made a mistake, and his ego would never survive such an admission.  This is going to hurt him badly in November, for only the cultists will have no problem voting for a man who's endorsing a Black Nazi.

And finally, what about Sean O'Brien, soon to be ex-president of the Teamsters Union.  First, he shows up at the Republican convention.  Then he releases a fake poll showing more Teamsters support Trump than Harris, telling America the Teamsters are endorsing either candidate.  Then, the Teamsters unions across the nation tell him to screw off and endorse Harris.  Then, his VP, who was in the room the day the endorsement decision is made, goes public, telling America everyone in the room that day wanted to endorse Harris, except O'Brien.  How stupid can you be?


  1. Mark Robinson deserves all that comes his way in this scandal.
    O'Brien, too.

  2. Hermes....he may be the first naked male to grace this page! LOL!!!

    1. Actually, I posted him last week I believe, so this is a rerun.

  3. Rain in very hot countries can be quite spectacular and very welcome can't it. Mind you, it's all dried up again in a few minutes too!

    1. Things did cool off for a bit, but since most of the rain happened in the early morning, and just as we were getting onto the bus, I didn't really notice.
