
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Mouse

 Supposedly the rain is going to be hanging around until Wednesday.  I don't know if that going to happen, Wednesday is when my chair is getting delivered, though I'm sure it will be covered in plastic when it arrives.  Until then, our skies will be filled with clouds and drizzling rains.  Today's temps are predicted to be the coldest, hovering in the mid 60s (F).  Tomorrow, they will warm up into the 70s (F) again, and then they'll stay there for the next few days.  

All of this rain means a good mowing for my lawn sometime next week.

Work was so terribly boring yesterday.  I have a window decor customer who I was hoping would stop in so I could design their blinds.  They didn't.  I ended up walking laps to get in my steps: 8062 isn't bad.  I'm in for a full 8 hours today, and since it's Sunday, I'm betting they'll show up today.  We have a 40% sale going on in shades, that's a magnet.

I have a mouse in the house.  To be perfectly frank, I've probably got more, an entire family, no doubt, and they've been eating at the fruit in my fruit bowl.  Not all of the fruit, only the pears and the plums.  They evidently don't like bananas and oranges.  This means I will have to set out traps, and then recycle their tiny bodies back into nature on the hill behind my house.  This is what they did to a pear.

One thing we can look forward to on November 5 is the Republicans denying their loss.  Prepare yourselves, they will be very loud.  Even when the Orange Anus loses by a landslide, they will shriek election fraud.  This is because the only way they can win is through the Electoral College, and when they swings into the Democrats territory there has to be cheating because those red states would never change color, never go from red to blue.  Of course, Orangie is already shrieking this, in between the gobbledygook incomprehensible word salads he spits out daily.  He is worse than he was in 2016, mostly because 8 years ago he still managed to speak in semi-complete sentences.  Back then, people didn't have to be paid to show up at his rallies. and they didn't leave in droves once the payoff hit their accounts.  No matter how much the Main Street Media tries to sane wash him, his decline is obvious.  Even Fox Entertainment is now cutting away from his speeches because.... he's beginning to hurt their ratings.


  1. His decline is epic.
    The other day he said he wants to sit on a beach because he a glorious body, so much better than Sleepy Joe.
    Yes, that passes for a campaign speech in MAGAt-ville.

  2. Eewww good luck getting rid of that mouse!
