
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Be Sad. Be Happy.

 Well, so here it is Wednesday.  The outside temp is 72 (F), though forecasters are saying we're only supposed to heat up into the mid 80s (F).  We are getting rain, what you might want to call intermittent showers which may, or may not end this morning.  We're cranking around here with some serious humidity and they're projecting the possibility of thunderstorms.  We've had a number of those lately.

Yesterday turned out to be a rather good day: I got a 2.5 mile walk in at Adams-Ricci, and then later in the afternoon 13 mile ride in, in Thailand, of all places.  For some reason Garmin has a number of Thai rides on the Tacx app.  To me, it looks a lot like the Philippines.

My turntable, and speakers, and record cabinet were also moved downstairs.  Part of this is new window prep.  I'm trying to cut down on furniture in the master bedroom, and they were an easy thing to relocate.  They are now situated where the dog's toybox used to be.  That's right, the dogs had their own toybox and it was filled with toys.  I'm hoping not to spoil the new puppy as badly, but we'll have to wait and see how that goes.

I wrote yesterday how Nikki Haley's election PAC had chosen to support Kamala Harris, and was correct to a point.  It was evidently not her primary PAC and the $$$ was less.  This is the one that switched loyalty and Haley's group immediately sent out a cease and desist order.  She's also telling her supporters that they need to vote for Trump.  Someone should let Nikki know that many of those votes she got were protest votes from Republicans who despise the Orange Anus.  Please tell me she isn't that dumb.  Here's a copy of the order.

And speaking of the Orange Anus, evidently his team has chosen to stop holding in very inexpensive outdoor rallies, not that they were ever heavily attended.  As for indoor venues being costlier?  Well, it's not as though he ever paid for them.  He has that terrible reputation of defaulting on bills, that's because he believes that someone as evil as he should never have to pay... for anything.  That's why he has lackies.

Biden's going to speak on national TV tonight.  His speech is going to be quite touching, probably making a lot of people cry.  Be sad.  Be happy.  Be glad, because all of those Republicans standing on the sidelines are going to be gnashing their teeth as a decent and honorable man begins to say his goodbyes.  Biden will make points that will carry through into Kamala's campaign.

I'm a 71 year-old man living in Central PA, and I know the assignment.


  1. Yes! I'm a 49 year old woman living in a very red state...and I also understand the assignment!

    BTW...did you hear that Elon Musk is backtracking on his pledge to donate 45 million a month to Dump's campaign? Hahaha!!

    1. I saw that about Musk, and this morning Bloomberg reported that Tesla stock is tanking mostly because in this country it was Democrats who were buying Teslas, not Republicans.

  2. She's not that dumb. LMAO! HA HA HA HA HA !!!!

    Boy the sour patch candy is really going around this week!!!! I will watch the speech tonight. Decorum and statesmanship will be on full display. It will be yet another nail in the coffin of the party of rot.

    1. That dumb bit is funny! And, as you say, it is another nail. It will remind millions that Trump will never do the right thing, or the decent thing.

  3. Nikki spent the day yesterday saying her followers should never support Kamala because they are two completely different candidates, to which I replied, "Yes, cuz only Kamama has a shot at the Presidency."

    1. I saw that and laughed. Republicans have this stupid belief that if your registered Republican you're going to vote Republican no matter how evil the candidate. They really do not understand at all.

  4. Here's a link to a blog post that showed up on my reading list that I think you'll appreciate!

  5. Oh, Nimrata.
    That was a dick move. And it's a PAC , they can do as they please! She does not want her name associated with Kamala? Too bad. It think they responded that they're seeking counsel. Good for them. Also, those votes were never 'hers'. Those were protest votes for Cheeto.

    And Cheeto and the MAGAts are pissed. They put all their eggs in the Uncle Joe basket and now are left with the oldest candidate for presidency. Ha!

    I will watch the speech tonight. I'm sure Uncle Joe is gonna make me bawl. Did you know that now the Repugs are trying to oust him because he's not running? LOL Idiots.


    1. Pissed is not the correct word. They're enraged! That is very apparent and they're saying things that will hurt them in November. The fun is just beginning.

    2. I saw that too Six!!! The Party of Rot waste more time on trying to get rid of others and things that don't matter...then actually doing their damn job they were voted in to do. But good luck to the petty bitches.

  6. Joe’s decision has the repubs set for a collision :) -Rj

    1. I can't even imagine the party purges when Trump loses.

    2. Like the great purge in the repubs favorite country , Russia.
      Wait til Marge the barge, Boebert, Gym Jordan and company finally get the boot when Trumpy goes down in flames.
      Mitch Moscow McConnell said he’s set to retire this term, betcha the PoS changes his mind when Kamala wins so he can through more shit in the works. -Rj

    3. They'll emigrate to that 3rd world country and get robbed blind. Mitch won't be able to find the polls, let alone vote for himself.
