
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, July 12, 2024


 So, I stayed up a little later and so slept a little later.  The outside temp was 68 (F) when I woke up.  That's nice.  Today's supposed to be cooler, low to mid 80s (F) and I can deal with that.  Sunday, however, the heat will be returning for a few days.  There's no getting around the fact that it is summer.  Possible rain is also in the forecast.  That would be nice.

When I got to work yesterday, one of my fellow associates told me that one of my measures had sold.  That gives me over $3000 in sales for the week.  However, later on, before I left for the day, I went in to check the order and the wrong product was attached.  It looked to me as the someone from Home Depot Measurement Services went in and changed the product.  Rather than call the customer, I first sent an email to the associate who sold the order, copying one of our Customer Order Specialists to see if the customer had originated this change.  The last thing I wanted to do was call the customer.  If this change was done by one of our associates, it would make us look like big douches.  And if it was a mistake, this might also let us fix it without the customer knowing about it.

I finished watching Lockwood and Co. on Netflix last night.  It was... not bad, a little too predictable in the last 2 episodes.  Perhaps if what they were looking for was the most evil thing ever created I might have enjoyed it better.  The minute an older character befriended a younger character I said to myself, well, I know where this is going.  And I was right.  The first 2/3 are really good, it's just in the last third that the stereotypical ending takes over.  When I copied the trailer link, I saw that the series was canceled after only 1 season because viewership declined.  I don't doubt for a second that it was the last 2 episodes that killed this series.

For those who haven't heard, AT&T was hacked in 2022... and we're just finding out about it now.  Personally, I believe they should lose that great tax break given to them by the Orange Anus.

And Biden gave a one hour press conference last evening.  I actually watched a snippet, the bit were he said Vice President Trump, then I turned it off.  There is no denying he is an old man.  Will he withdraw from the race?  Probably not.  Will he be getting my vote?  Of course.  I want to be able to complain like hell if he loses, which I don't think will happen.  Voting also gives me the right piss and moan if, during his second term, he does something I don't like.  If I don't vote, then my opinion is mute.  Back when I first started working as a Flooring Specialist, I worked with a bald gent who had very strong liberal opinions.  One day, while were cutting carpet for a customer, he told me he and his wife never voted, they just didn't see any point in it.  Being the outspoken person I am, I immediately told him that since he didn't vote, his opinions were worthless, that they had no merit.  America doesn't need armchair voters, those constant complainers who fail to see the need for participation.  Their loud voices too often have little or no value.


  1. Ohhh I watched Lockwood and Co. and liked it. It gives YA, but it was entertaining. And I liked the leads and the theme. It's a good binge.

    And I watched Uncle Joe give the press conference. He's always been known to misspeak and he's got a stutter. And duh he's old. But he KNOWS what he's talking about. One of his answers is eons away from the sharks and the batteries.
    He also answered complex, nuanced questions about foreign policy with certainty and knowhow.
    Cheeto and the MAGAts in the government fear him. You know they do. And they have reason to feel like that.
    I hope he wins. Americans are not the smartest of people, but the difference between a TV personality and a man who can talk policy was clear last night.


    1. I agree totally. The Democrats have a big thing going for them in that the Republicans discount Republican women voters, and anti-Trumpers because in their minds every registered Republican is going to vote for Trump. In fact, they discount the women's vote entirely because women are merely vessels.

  2. Get out and vote BLUE, or you will live in a country of dishonesty, dishonor and a country not true.
    With Trump and his republican alcolytes, instead of a country tis of thee, it will be a country dis of thee.

    1. The Republicans have a big problem, a very big problem, and unlike Conservatives, most America as a big problem with their big problem.

  3. I watched all of the press conference, and yes that slip was a slip, but he spoke, sharp and present for over an hour, responding to questions.

    1. Interesting how many of the pundits are saying that in spite of the few verbal hiccoughs, the president did well.

  4. I can't remember if I finished Lockwood and company. It wasn't that memorable.

  5. I'm with you absolutely on voting if you can! My nephew works for the Labour Party archives in Manchester and when Jeremy Corbin was running even my nephew couldn't vote for him - so he went into the booth and voted blank!

    1. Sometimes voting is merely trying to keep the worst possible candidate out of office. Not voting is almost like giving him a vote.
