
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Breaking out of the rut

 Well, we've got overcast skies here again this morning.  Temps are supposed hit the low 90s (F).which means our cooling off period is over.  The heat index is suppose to be maxing out Monday and Tuesday as the heat Mr. Shife has been dealing with moves over us.  If the forecast holds, Tuesday we should hit 101 (F).  It hasn't been that stinky hot in years.

Tuesday I'm scheduled to meet my cousin and her husband for lunch.  We've turned this into a 3 month ritual and it's a lot of fun.  We do reminisce, but we also talk about what's going on in our lives.  One of their grand kids is a good enough swimmer to get a scholarship and dreams of going to the Olympics someday.  I find that fascinating.  When I was growing up, the focus was on getting a job, getting married, and having a family.  Competitive sports for a large majority of my class ended with graduation, and that was a nearly impossible rut to get out of, and while I didn't break out completely by joining the Navy, I did by going to college when I was discharged.

I'm going to a memorial service today for my neighbor Eileen.  She's the one whose will I signed and then later made ink changes to it, a legal no no.  I'm really neutral about the entire thing.

Just took a picture of my peaches.  This is what they look like.  There is not going to be an abundant crop, and they're growing much slower than they did in the past.  Two years ago I was harvesting them by now.

There are days when I feel comfortable about the approaching election and days when I don't.  We do have a lot of dumbasses in this country who, because of their lack of education, believe that an authoritarian government would work in their favor, that an authoritarian leader like Trump would sow benefits upon them.  Can you hear me laughing?  In the history of mankind, that has never, ever happened.  It's is those bumpkins who end up suffering the most, and their suffering goes hand in hand with their whining about how bad things are.  These are the same people who will get a job and will deride it constantly, but never take the initiative to go out and find a better job.  These are the voters Trump and the Republicans depend upon.  It's why they campaign against wokeness.  A dumb voter is always easier to manipulate.  They will never break out of the rut, that would take too much effort.


  1. If elected, The Felon will work for people who look like him: greedy white predators.
    Everyone else will suffer, though the MAGAts won't even notice.

    1. For too many of them, as long as they get to say "shut up, we're in charge," they don't care how bad things are.

  2. Whichever way you lean in politics, I can never believe that killing your opponent is the way to go. I think the attempt on Trump's life just handed him the presidency on a platter!

    1. This isn't going to get him the sympathy vote, which says a lot about his character.
