
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Main Stream Media

 It's Sunday, the temp is 68 (F) and, again, it's predicted to climb into the mid to upper 80s (F).  The skies are supposed to be partly cloudy, though there is not going to be any hint of rain.  That might show up tomorrow, which is going to be a replay of today, except with more humidity.

I do get to work today.  I worked yesterday.  I have a pair of customers whom might be difficult.  Usually, when a customer sets up a measure they're allowed to order 3 free carpet samples.  Well, they ordered one sample when the paid for their measure and then showed up yesterday to order 2 more free samples. The system wouldn't let me order them.  I got an error saying their measure number had already been used. Not everyone who orders multiple samples makes a quick decision because not everyone is happy with their original choice.  I'm thinking the large, orange home improvement retailer I work for changed the ordering process.   The customers called last evening before I left and were quite upset they hadn't received an email letting them know their samples had been ordered.  He was rather adamant about how they needed these 2 more samples before they could make a decision. I explained the situation.  He was not happy.  So, this morning when I get to work, I'm going to set up a fake measure in order to get a measure number, and order them their other two samples, and then tomorrow, or Thursday, I'll cancel the measure.  

I also got into an argument with a fellow associate that started with his telling me something he'd heard on Fox (notice, I've dropped the News).  My dander went up and I said things... but it's Fox, the joke of Main Stream Media.  The fact that people who are supposed to have brains still watch tabloid entertainment and think that it's news.  Remember this?

And for those who haven't noticed, there seems to be a big problem with Main Stream Media, and it's not that they're putting out fake news, as much as that they're not covering the news the way they used to; these days they're focused on how often their website gets hits.  Instead of reporting the news, they seem to be creating drama especially around Biden.  Though let's be honest, part of my complaint is that the reports of Biden's mental status seem to be constant, and I truly wish that subject wasn't their bread and butter.  However, when the Lincoln Project says that the administration has been deceitful about Uncle Joe's capabilities, you need to wonder.  I do really hope he's not being a stubborn old man.  If that's the case, then the MSM has been doing their job, we just don't like it.


  1. I hate to think that Biden would risk THIS election just for his ego. I prefer to think he's looking at an exit strategy and working to make sure it goes smoothly and that any new team continues the work he started.

    1. You and me both. If we come up with a decent candidate, we'll crush Trump.

    2. Lord let us HOPE so. Lately he's looking as if he might not make it vertical 'til November, let alone another Term.

  2. Aren't ALL Old Men stubborn... and mostly in Denial about what they're still capable of? *Winks and LOL... find me one that isn't if this is a stretch to consider * Well, what with Uncle Joe just being what we all obviously SEE, and now compound that with COVID, well, I feel like I may be Voting for a Weekend At Bernie's Candidate... but, whatever. The Orange Hair Furor Ear Force One is not quite as ominous as his VP Pick, a Smart Devil always being much more ominous than a Dumb one. I think trouble brews come November either outcome we get... and that's disturbing to me. As for arguing with or engaging with any Faux News watcher, or MAGA World Devotee, well, it's futile, isn't it?

    1. Trouble is brewing, evil will refuse to die, even after it's been properly staked, and Trump will get staked. There will be lies from the right, and civil unrest. Hopefully, a lot will end up moving to Russia where they can happily live in a Third World Country.

  3. It's certainly going to be interesting to see what is going to happen. A part of me is think he is stubborn, for right reasons, but I do think he truly want to help the country and keep it on track, but I think even he wonders if he can do it and hold up....which I don't think he'll admit to yet. It not a good feeling to think your letting people down.

    1. Pull up your britches, Toots, Democracy is in it for the long haul.
