
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Harbinger of Death

 Okay, yesterday was hot, in more ways then one.  Our temps hit 97 (F) and the sun was bold and bright.  We are under a heat advisory until Wednesday, when storms are predicted to move across the area.  We had a similar prediction last week, and we did get a lot of rain from a storm overnight, but the head stayed.  This is the kind of summer I remember from my youth, though I do believe it's hotter now.

Yesterday was a vacation day for me so I could attend a memorial service, and I didn't go.  I was expecting my neighbor from across the street to text me a reminder, and she didn't, and I had no idea where it was going to take place, so I stayed home and read.

And I also ate tons of food yesterday.  For some reason, I had a voracious appetite.  The results were obvious when I stepped on the scale this morning.

Does everybody remember when Trump thought this was funny?

Remember when Trump joked about Paul Pelosi being attacked by a hammer?  Republicans, themselves, thought that was pretty damn funny.  They all joked about it... until the video came out and then we got crickets from them.  

On January 5, 2024, after a shooting at an Iowa school that killed one child and injured several, he said this:

“It’s just horrible – so surprising to see it here. But we have to get over it. We have to move forward.”*

And back in 2023, at an address to the NRA, he talked about gun violence and who was really to blame:

the long history of deadly school shootings in the US is “not a gun problem”. He instead blamed the issue on Democrats, mental health issues, marijuana and the transgender community.*

Yesterday, a 20 year-old Republican with an AR-15 style rifle tried to assassinate him.  One of his cultists told NBC news that Trump was now a martyr, and the he was guaranteed to win the election.  If he were more of a sympathetic person, that might be true, but he is renowned for his attacks on his opponents.  He will not use this to garner sympathy, but will use it to attack everyone and everything he sees standing in his way.  This changes nothing.  Republicans have a convention starting tomorrow, and I would be surprised if there were not more violence there.  I am reminded of the Democrat convention in Chicago in 1968.  Those riots cost the Democrats so much.  Republicans have been setting themselves up for this for a long time.  Trump is the harbinger of death for the Republican party.

* from The Guardian


  1. The Republicans have themselves to blame with their dangerous, virulent and violent rhetoric and allowing an insane man like Trump be their candidate. No surprise that one of their OWN extremists has done this to Trump, you reap what you sow and Trump and the Republicans have done this in spades. And ad naseum, Republicans are blaming President Biden and the Democrats. * Go to Axios to see an article where they show the many times Trump has used violent rhetoric and threats. -Rj

  2. I'm an evil bitch so I'll say it what a shame the shooter didn't have better aim. I'm just wanted everybody in the stands appear more calm? Their shots ringing out yet they're just sitting there. God they really are dumb.

  3. When you spew hate, you get hate ... and sometimes that hate is staged to make you look like a martyr, but someone who wouldn't go to Vietnam because his feet hurt, doesn't rise up and scream "Fight" when he takes a BB, er, bullet{?] to the head.

  4. Sadly I think there will be even more violence leading up to this election (and after of course)! When did decency leave the room? But then, maybe if you're "decent" you'd never make it as a politician!

    1. Decency began leaving the room during the Reagan administration, when Conservatives decided to go around Congress in what turned out to be what's called The Iran Contra Affair.

  5. The whole thing looks very Odd, mebbe even Staged, my bullshit meter was going off for a slew of reasons. Martyrdom, or making him at least look like one, would be beneficial to the 'Cause' and it being one of their own wasn't Surprising even before it was verified. Radicalized Groups have sent out their Young on suicide missions and made it possible in creative ways to spin a Justification for more violence, revenge, retribution... all things the Far Right are still saying, before and after, not Dialing it back, but magnifying it all the more now... some desperately want a Civil War. He is a Draft Dodger and giving an Illusion of being a Mob Boss is what his Base crave... I suppose it couldn't have been better orchestrated and give lots of attention he desperately needed to be the Headliner again. So much didn't add up about that footage we've all now seen... so much... lots of questions, no real answers... probably won't be either... just lots of lies, conspiracies and misinformation spewed. That our Country has come to this sickens me.

    1. I think stagy is a very good word, especially now that we know the assailant didn't send a $15 donation to the Democrats. I've already heard people calling Trump a martyr, even though martyrs die.
