
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

They Did it in the Rain

 Yesterday, I slept.  The weather was nice.  I did a load of laundry and hung it out to dry.  I went for a 2.5 mile walk in Adams-Ricci, enjoying the wonderful weather, and then... around one PM, I laid down on the bed and slept for an hour.  Damn.  I hate when that happens.  The day was going so well, and then I lost an hour.  And when I woke up I didn't feel like doing anything. 

Well, that makes it sound like nothing was accomplished.  That's not true.  I sealed the grout on my backsplash, I cleaned a bit, and went to my neighborhood Giant supermarket.  And I drove out to the airport to locate the long term parking lot, and got lost trying to find my way back to the highway.  I haven't been there in over 15 years and things at the airport have changed.  And yes, I am doing long term parking.  I'd have no problem getting a ride to the airport for my departure flight, however, my return flight is supposed to land at 10:30 PM, which means it might actually arrive closer to 11, and you can add another 15 minutes onto when I finally get my luggage, which would be an inconvenience.

When I woke up yesterday afternoon, I went downstairs and watched this:

What an amazing opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympics, and they did it in the rain.  In a four hour time period, France set the bar so high for opening ceremonies it's doubtful anyone will ever reach it.  There were no puppet parades around the inside of a stadium.  Instead we got high opera, low opera, and heavy metal.  We saw a headless Marie Antoinette singing in a window, and a tour through the Louvre. Ravel played on a grand piano in the rain.  And nobody complained.  And, of course, the Olympic cauldron is suspended from a hot air balloon over a fountain in the Tuileries!  I've sat in a chair at that fountain and let the world pass me by on two occasions.  And, of course, there was Celine Dion.  

True, some Parisians got out of town, but that happens every time the Olympics are held.  And there was some petty crime, but there was also petty crime at the Republican convention, and there was petty crime at the Super Bowl.  Every time you have this many people, there is going to be crime. 

I also understand the Religious Right in the country found some of the bits upsetting.  They will not get over it.  We need to keep them out of power.  

Finally, on the political side, the Orange Anus gave a speech yesterday in which he told his audience to vote for him.  "If you vote for me, in four years, everything will be fixed.  You won't have to vote.  You won't have to vote ever again."  He is desperately sowing seeds of rebellion. He needs to lose, and lose badly.


  1. Gotta agree to differ. I thought the opening ceremony was dreadful - but then what would I know!

    1. That's fine, we all have different tastes.

  2. Paris excelled! Magnificent!!

  3. Cela fait plaisir de lire que vous avez apprécié les cérémonies d’ouverture des Jeux Olympiques de Paris.
    Trump est malade et fou, puisse t-il-se rétablir en prison. :)
    -Beau Mec

    1. Il est beaucoup des ans si je pense en Francais. Trump est malade mais pas de fou. He's pure evil.
