
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Rally

 And we have soaking rain.  What we were supposed to get yesterday arrived sometime in the early morning hours.  Temps are expected to climb into the upper 90s (F) and that means our humidity is going to skyrocket.  We're under heat advisories for the next 3 days.  I looked at the weather forecast and reminded myself that we are not quite halfway through the summer season.  One thing on the report that I did find surprising was that, thanks to wildfires out west, our sunsets might be more colorful.

Many chores were finished yesterday.  I felt really good.  Because I have to work this afternoon, not so much will be finished.  

I did get a 7 mile ride in yesterday, that took me 55 minutes.  Why so long, you ask?  Well, it was all up hill, with an average 3% grade.  As a result, I got in a nice leg workout.  I hate hills, but in life, there are times when they are necessary.

Over 25,000 words has been written for The Body in History, which means I'm a third of the way through the first draft.   I'm pleased.  I really like the characters in this one, from the British poetess, to the German real estate investor and his wife.  The more I write, the more complex my characters become.  Since it takes place in Greece, Delphi to be precise, one of my editors asked me if the gods were going to come into play.  I replied with a question.  "What do you think?"

Kamala had a rally down in Georgia last evening.  The place was packed.  The former Lieutenant Governor, a Republican, said he has never seen so much excitement.  There were a lot of people there!

Not surprising, there was no one there wearing a weird little hat, or a weird little costume.  Nope.  This was just a lot of normal Americans bent on putting the weird Republican party into the past tense.  A brutal change is coming for the Republicans.  Perhaps if they had taken the time to try and even remotely understand America, but no, the only thing they've ever been interested in is saying "shut up! we're in charge!"

The director for Project 2025 stepped down yesterday.  This was done with a modicum of fanfare with the loyal Trumpist media outlets trying to turn it into a big thing.  Don't believe it.  Project 2025 has not been shelved, or even put on the back burner.  It's simply been relabeled Plan 47, at least that, or something quite similar has taken Project 2025's place on Orange Anus' website.  Believe me, this monstrosity ain't going away.  This is just another Republican lie.  Make sure no one forgets this.


  1. I watched the rally live on YouTube.
    Tons of energy, tons of smiles and tons of younger people! I read many could not get in (the limit was like twenty thousand??) but inside, the energy was visible.
    I loved it when the crowd finished her "if you have something to say...." when she addressed Don The Old by NAME. Ohh chile. Them are fighting words.
    And Project 2025 is coming to bite them in the ass. Good. I will never undestand why they made it public?? It's so bad...


    1. He is the oldest candidate. I think the rally in Philly is going to knock people's socks off.

  2. They will never be able to walk back Project 25 and we can never take the chance that they get into office and try to implement it.

    1. That'll be a millstone round their neck for eternity.

  3. Kamala in ascendence, Project 2025 going down in flames, GOOD ! :) -Rj

  4. I had to work late, so I called my mother to tell her I was working late. I didn't want her worrying if the dump got shot at again and thinking it was me.

    1. l understand why she'd think that, but then the same thing could be said by most of us.
