
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Trump Fakes an Injury

The weather was beautiful yesterday!  Today we're going to have a repeat!  Nice.  Sunny.  Low humidity.  Right now, the outside temp is 66 (F) The temps are predicted to hover in the mid 80s (F).  Now, how's that for a perfect summer day.

I had breakfast with my brother yesterday.  He was recently laid off.  That's not a good thing to happen to you when you're 60, and I don't know if he understand the implications of that yet.  Even though laws have been passed to eliminate age description, I can tell you that unless a company is actively higher upper middle-aged people, they're most likely ignoring the laws, especially if they're a conservative company.

After that heavy, heavy breakfast, I got a 2.4 mile walk in at Adams - Ricci.  I took my camera so I get more familiar with using it, and to see what if felt like hanging around my neck by the strap.  I'm planning on using it for most of the pictures in Greece, though the phone is going to be used for taking selfies.  That's something I'm not really looking forward to; I've never been one to plant my face all over the place.

Later in the afternoon, I also went for a 13 mile bike ride.  

All in all, yesterday was highly productive.  I love days like that.

And, of course, last night the Spawn of Satan accepted the Republican nomination for president wearing a teabag.

Republicans simply do not understand how stupid that looks.  I searched for images of a grazing wound caused by a rifle similar to an AR-15.  The velocity of that bullet even grazing the tip of his ear would have torn off skin and cartilage.  If Trump had been grazed, much of his ear would be gone.  Also keep in mind, this is Trump, had a bullet done physical damage graphic pictures of his injuries would be front page news.  As I said before, he, no doubt under the supervision of Putin, is tea bagging America.  He has never been anything more than a two-bit con artist, a liar from the day he was born.  And from what I've seen, all he did was repeat one of his rally speeches.  

And it does sound a lot like Biden is being convinced to drop out of the race.  I feel bad for the man.  I've been a loyal Democrat for decades.  Still, he needs to do what's best for the country.  He needs to insure that Democracy not only survives, but thrives, and if that means getting out of the race, then that's what he as to do.  Let's be honest, he's done an outstanding job.  He can still be a revered older statesman and still wield a lot of power.  It's better to resign yourself to being a sage, than to go down a loser.


  1. He'll be wearing that ear diaper into November.
    I have been reading that many journalists are questioning the wound, and the lack of transparency from The Felon and his campaign. I hope they keep it up because this looks more like fakery and fuckery each passing day.

  2. I think Uncle Joe should stay. Some establishment Dems want him and Kamala to step down (they don't want Kamala there, either). I think he should stay. Especially after Cheeto done fucked up that speech at the RNC? What a mess. Hannibal Lecter, again? And of course the teabag (I cackled) is all for show. Did you see the sheep wearing one too? But they would not wear a mask to SAVE THEIR LIVES. Idiots.


    Pro tip: when taking selfies, make the background your point of reference and lift your hand as high as it would go and far from your face.

    1. Thanks for the tip!! I think Joe will step down.

  3. Check out Allen Lichtman's latest interviews on what he thinks will happen if Biden drops out (Trump will almost certainly win the election no matter who replaces him...he thinks it would be a disaster for Democrats). Lichtman has successfully predicted the winner of 9 out of 10 past presidential elections. The one he was wrong about was Bush v

    I saw a clip where he said all that and then tore I to the hosts and the media for pressuring Biden to drop out. He made some good points.

    1. Honestly, if they were just candidates without any baggage, then I think Trump would win. Biden my be old, but Trump brags about Roe v Wade, and his Supreme Court giving him god-like unit is pissing people the hell off, more so than the pundits realize

  4. Here's a link...

  5. I too hate when you look at people's vacations pictures and all you see is selfies. I want to see the featured area in case I'd like to travel there some day. I can see my friends all the time...i don't need to see them in every picture.

    The dump. I heard that in his speech he talked of the blood..."just poring out". Interesting...because all I ever saw were two trickles of blood that resembled Giuliani's hair dye running.

    Idiots. The lot of them.

    1. Believe me, the selfies will only be for proof. And the Orange Turd's speech was over 90 minutes long, the longest acceptance speech in recorded history.

  6. Oh gosh, that's bad for your brother. Can he afford to retire? Or maybe go after what I call a "no brain" job - something you can do without thinking and no stress!

    1. He has a part-time job as a Lutheran minister and they'd hire him fulltime, but his wife doesn't want him to go fulltime, probably because he was getting paid so much more with his IT job. They are definitely going to be moving into poorer days.
