
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, July 29, 2024

When They Go Low, We Open the Gates of Hell

 The temps began climbing yesterday and today we're supposed to top out in the mid 90s (F).  Tomorrow, however, on my day off, we're supposed to have rain... or showers... or possibly thundershowers.  There's nothing too specific in the forecast, just that we're supposed to have rain.

Yesterday I had an issue with one of our managers.  It was the last of a installation promotion we were running and a couple came in to pay for their carpet.  The program has been glitchie in our system since day one, so we've always done markdowns.  This manager, who has never had to deal with this, decided to complicate matters.  He wanted to know where the discount was coming from, and he was talking about calling IT.  All the time he was throwing up roadblocks to providing good customer service, the customers were standing there listening.  When all was said and done, and the customers got their due discount, they came back to the flooring desk and thanked me.  I will say something to the Specialty manager this morning about this problem.

Otherwise yesterday was pretty meh.  I worked on the book a little.

I'm working my way through volume 2 of Three Body Problem, which is almost 500 pages long.  While I write mostly in dialog, with conversation moving the story forward, this is mostly narration that includes a lot of social commentary.  In my mind, that bogs things down.  Why describe it when you can just say it?  And while I'll have 3 and 4 people involved in a conversation, Cixin Liu, the author, rarely has more than 2.  That seems to narrow the perspective so much, or perhaps it might be that I feel more comfortable writing discussions with differing viewpoints.

This is amusing.

Remember when Michelle Obama said "when they go low, we go high?"  Well, I saw something this weekend which makes even more sense to me, in fact I'm surprised no one has ever thought of it before.  "When they go low, we open the gates of Hell."  There, doesn't that sound so much better?  And I don't think it will be that difficult.  I mean, the open mouth of Hell is simply waiting to chomp down on a tasty Republican, or maybe 4 or 5 chewy Christians, they're a bit gooey, so a conservative toothpick might be in order before it gets tossed into the fire.

And Donny Dipshit, as Jeff Tiedrich calls him, posted a single all-cap sentence on his platform of corruption, Truth Social:  I AM NOT WEIRD.    Who is he talking to?  His cultists?  Those weird people who are just like him?

Finally, prepare yourselves, Biden has just announced future plans for the Supreme Court:  18 year term limits, and specific rules to deal with bribery and corruption.  The Federalists hate this, so you will hear a lot of shrieking, and moaning, and gnashing of teeth from Republicans.   He also wants a constitutional amendment to eliminate their immunity ruling.  Crimeny, this will be the conservative death knell. 


  1. Oh, I love the new strategy the Dems are using. Ridiculing Fascists is the best way to go.
    #trumpisweird was trending and Orange McFelon was so butthurt he posted about it in his shitty website LOL.
    The sofa, the dolphins, the ear pad. The tik-tok dances, the Brat Summer. Genius. And have you seen the posts the Kamala team puts out? Joy.

    As for the work glitch, that's super weird! And the fact that affects customer service is a red flag.


    1. And it's working because Republicans have notoriously thin skin.

  2. That manager should never have been having that argument in front of customers - as was proven by them coming back to thank you!

    1. I think they had a conversation with him, something I will never hear about.

  3. "Announced future plans for the Supreme Court: 18 year term limits" Finally!!!

    And right after all I heard was the Party of Rot and a feŵ Supreme Court Justices shit their drawers.

    1. You can bet the Federalists are going to double down on trying the get the Orange Anus re-elected.

  4. I saw Joe's speech and for an ALLEGEDLY dead man he looked and sounded fabulous.

    The Blues are coming down hard on the JD and The Felon being weird and that is driving The Felon crazier.

    1. And it's so deliciously funny, they have nothing to counter it with because they are all so weird.
