
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

This is What Greatness Looks Like

 Well, the temps climbed into the upper 80s (F) yesterday, and it was humid... (understatement).  Right now the outside temp is 73 (F) and it is humid.  In fact, that does appear to be the word of the day for Central PA. We might have spotty showers this morning, but this afternoon the temps will climb into the upper 80s (F) and it's supposed to be humid.  This is summer, after all, and for the time being, these temps are just a little higher than those we had over the 2 previous years, though it wasn't nearly as humid.

Work was slow, until I was about to leave, then customers began showing up.  Our aisle associate is on vacation, so there's only one specialist from 7 until closing, and while he's a very nice man, my loyalty to the orange home improvement retailer I work for ends at 7.  The inability to staff sufficiently is a corporate issue.  Bringing someone one in to replace the aisle associate's hours is a payroll expense.  Frequently, customers are having to make do with the fact that there are no people on the sales floor to help them.  The current HR rep was complaining, corporate only gave her 187 hours for scheduling.  That may sound like a lot of hours, but not when you're staffing a store that sells over $1 million a week.  There are going to be some serious gaps without a scheduled associate in Hardware, and Plumbing, and customers are just going to have to deal with that fact.

Of course, Joe Biden gave one the last speeches as president last night.  I watched it.  

Stepping aside is the right thing to do.  He is elderly.  There were times that I felt bad for him. but he also made me proud.  I don't think many people understand how difficult it is for an older person to come to terms with their age on public TV, and that's what Joe Biden did.  As we age, we like to keep those very personal moments private.  There are those who never accept the reality of getting old and fight it, but there comes a point when we should all sit ourselves down and admit to ourselves that we are not nearly as spry, or as fit, or smart as we used to be.  This is what greatness looks like.

And now the fun begins.  The Republicans have so many things going against them and one of them is their complete denial of reality.  Republicans live in their own jagged, little world where narrowed tunnel vision is the norm.  It's not that they refuse to see America as it really is, they simply can't, it's not within the scope of their vision.  This will be their downfall.  They will define failure for political parties for far into the future.


  1. Joe is President for 6 more months. There will be more speeches. He's not going out just yet.

    1. Not too many, the focus will move to Harris and he will become a cheerleader.

  2. I loved that speech.
    He was gracious, he was methodical, he was on point and he was real. He's a good man who did not deserve to be edged out like that. And you are right, admitting that we are old is very, very hard. Especially in public.
    But he did the right thing and he's still doing it. Kamala feels powerful because she's got his support and the support of a ton of people.
    The media is pissed off because there was no cataclysmic event and disarray among the Dems. THAT'S what they wanted.
    The Repugs are surprised and mad. They have a convicted felon who IS elderly and losing it and a venture capitalist who thinks childless people should not vote. Let's fucking go!


    1. You're right about the media, they're going to do their best to drum up as much drama as they can.

  3. OUR President Biden makes me proud. He has the integrity of FDR, the honesty of Truman, the vision of JFK and the humanity of Carter.
    Like Wilson and Johnson, he was given a bad deck of cards to deal with and gets the blame game treatment. Me thinks history will be kind to President Biden. -Rj

    1. I think history will be quite generous with Biden, not so with Trump and his cult.

  4. He did a valiant act and in front of the entire world. It was a great speech and a million times better than anything from Donnie Cheeto.

    1. He was correct, actions like his are what make America great.

  5. I saw a GOP tool say after watching Joe's speech that she wished he'd said what made him decide to quite the race and I shrieked at the TV:

    All they want is to have him say, "I'm old and demented and can't do the job."

    Well, fvck off then.

    1. That is what they so desperately wanted to hear and he played them again. What a wonderful feeling.

  6. Joe's speech was inspiring to me. You are right, it is hard to admit to aging, and he has done it on national TV. I don't think he gets enough credit for all he has done. And what for the life of me I just do not understand, why don't those
    GOP nuts see how off kilter tRump is? And I just saw a poll this morning that he is still ahead in the race. Just by one point, but he's still ahead. How could anyone in their right mind vote for him after all of the lies and chaos? It blows my mind!

    1. Republicans have desperately wanted to say, "shut up, we're in charge," ever since Clinton beat old Bush, and see Trump as their last possible chance.
