
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Taking the High Road

 Well, here it is, Monday morning already.  The temp in the cycling, gaming computer room is a warm 78 (F), only a few degrees warmer than it is outside.  Tomorrow, the mercury is supposed to crack 101 (F), a rarity for us.  The prediction is for spotty thunderstorms this afternoon, by spotty they mean that they'll bypass Enola.  This seems to happen a lot on the West Shore, with many of the recent storms trekking up the valleys to the north and south of us.

Yesterday was a boring work day.  I did get a measure.  I sold some carpet, somebody else's measure so they'll get the sale.  I also designed some blinds - a really big order, probably around $24,000.  There was a time when you could sell a measure for a blind install, but the associate who designed the blinds would get most of the credit.  They changed a while back.  The associate who sold this measure didn't work yesterday, and will not be working today when the customer will probably buy.  Myself and another associate will put in the design time and the credit will go to the individual who spent 5 minutes setting up the measure.  This is an issue which needs to be fixed.

Anybody what to guess how Myra Gershwin comes into play in The Body in History?  (Can you hear me laughing).

And in just 6 weeks I'll be in Greece.  I did get an update from  After I land in Athens, I will need to go through immigration, get my luggage (1 suitcase) and go to the airport entrance where I should find someone holding up a sign with my name on it.  At least, this is how it's supposed to work.  When I went to Paris, I had to call the hotel and have them send my ride.  I'm looking forward to  seeing this:

I also saw where they're beginning to think the attack on Trump's ear as Domestic Terrorism, rather than a shot fired at his earlobe.  It turns out that the shooter was not the one who made a $15 donation to a Blue Pac, that was a much older white man from Pittsburgh with the same name.  So far, they're not finding anything in his past to indicate he had a grudge against Trump (even though so many of us do).

I saw where Melanoma put out some sort of statement about the "violent bullet" that struck her husband's ear.  Someone needs to tell Melanoma that bullets are violent, shooter are.

Both Democrats and Republicans, as well as their presidential candidates and ask for calmness on both sides: the Republicans are not listening.  Representative Mike Collins, another wack job from Georgia, is publicly saying that Biden put out the hit on Trump.  Their base is angry, and they're going to do everything in their power to enrage them even more.

Finally, some unknown senior Democrat has supposedly said that a number of Democrats have resigned themselves to four more years of the Orange Anus.  This individual is a spineless sack of shit who needs to be identified and rooted out.  Taking the high road doesn't mean giving up hope at the drop of the hat, and I don't doubt for a second that person still believes in polls.


  1. With Biden being so up and down I don't know what will happen....but I will say, if this had happen to Biden, I bet you wouldn't have seen the concern and reaching out from the Dump to have a talk of well wish and take cares.

    Another big difference between the parties. The Dump would have never addressed the nation like Biden did last night, so I hear. Even Biden is saying he has to watch his words and stop the blaming too. Something you'd never hear the Dump say.

    1. Firstly, do not believe the polls. People lie. And all you have to do is look at the Republican's reaction to Paul Pelosi being attacked to guess what they'd have said if it had been Biden, not Trump.

  2. Ohhh you're traveling light.
    I envy people who can do that. I've tried and I have managed to do carry on for five-day gateways. Barely.
    And Cheeto was hurt by a piece of glass from the teleprompter (he always reads) and the whole shooter is thing is muddy. He's Don the Con for a reason.
    Fascist movements offer martyrs as their proof of truth.
    And I saw AOC told that 'democrat' to quit. I'd say the same. It's not over until it's over.


    1. You have to travel light, there are no elevators in the hotels. I saw where AOC told that senior Democrat to shut up. Good for her.

  3. Melanie didn't write the statement; she was shopping.
    Large Marge is also one shouting shiz from the rooftops; she needs to be censured or muzzled.
    And I would like a legit journalist to investigate the "shooting" as I have serious questions about the validity of the whole "show".

    1. Concerns are growing among a large number of people. WaPo has a video out showing the Secret Service already deployed on the roof behind Trump, it almost looks like they're waiting for the shooting.

  4. I wrote a comment today but I think it disappeared!

  5. I didn't realize you're going with Explore. I mainly travel with and they are VERY efficient so I wouldn't worry too much about the airport pick-up. When I got to Bangkok airport (which is huuuuuggge) I checked their trip notes and they told me to make my way to exit 4 and someone would be waiting for me. Sure enough, she was and ushered me and another lady straight out to a waiting taxi. The other lady turned out to be the Welsh lady that I pal'd up with and she told me she never read the trip notes! Big mistake, it's all in there if you take the time to look!

    1. I thought you knew, I got the idea of using Explore from you. I booked through Explore UK, but have also talked to Explore USA. They're a rather large organization.
