
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Voting for Survival

 Showers are on the menu for today.  The morning temps were 69 (F), though they've already climbed to 71 (F).  Besides the spotty showers (yes, no steady rain, just occasional drizzles that will do nothing to help the dryness) our high is supposed to be in the upper 80s (F).  Just a little bit less nice than yesterday.

Speaking of yesterday, it was another day of accomplishments.  A walk in the park (2.3 miles), a ride on the bike, and the big aquarium got cleaned.

I'm also trying something new and odd with my kitchen floor.  Old houses like mine do not have a subfloor.  My hardwood planking sits right on the studs.  Over the past 119 years flexibility has crept in, they will go up and down slightly when you walk on them.  To fix this, I installed MSB because it was cheaper than 3/4 inch plywood.  This doesn't eliminate the movement, but reduces it a lot.  Still, those floor boards do shift a little.  To eliminate the possibility of the vinyl planks unlocking, I'm gluing them down.  I'm also going to be cementing all of the seams to make them look more like porcelain tiles.  When that's done, I'm going to poly the top since there's going to be at least one dog in the house when I get back from Greece.

I was looking to see if the RNC convention gave the Orange Anus any boost in the polls, and so far there's none to speak of, which seems about right.  This loser survived a domestic terror event and got zilch.  That tells you what America thinks of Donald Trump.  Even though polls lie, he's pretty much tied with Biden, the 81 year old candidate who's possibly in decline, across the board.  What people really need to come to grips with is that this election is not about the candidate, not at all.  It's really about Democracy vs Authoritarianism.  Because the Supreme Court gave the presidency far reaching powers with their decision that they have to a large extent full immunity for their actions, if Trump is sworn into office he will immediately begin spitting out Executive Orders over ruling everything.  Nothing he does will help the average American and when all those millions realize he and the Republican party have no problem hitting them with the shitty end of the stick, chaos will erupt.  I've said this before, Trump's blow bro Vlad doesn't want us as a political partner, he wants to knock America out of it's place as the number one Super Power in the world.  Putin wants there be violent civil unrest in America.  So, for all you dummies out there, it's not about voting for the candidate, it's about voting for survival.  


  1. Something else I read about yesterday that has me losing sleep. If Biden gets pushed out, the Republicans are going to sue to keep whoever replaces him off as many state ballots as possible. We all know they have no concern about cheating to get what they want. And with the current SCOTUS, they'll get away with it, too. That will ensure a win for Trump.

    Something else to keep me up at night.

    1. They can't sue to keep him off of the ballot, they may try, but this is a state decision.

  2. Sadly, for a man so consumed with ratings, the RNC was down about 20% from the last time.
    So much for that staged paper cut.

    1. And no bumps in approval or those bad polls... Republicans must be frantic.

  3. That's a lot of work on that floor. Reminds me of an Italian kitchen.

    I'm starting to get the feeling Biden may drop out. Those close to him say he is starting to give in to a serious thinking.....

    1. It might be Italian... I just have this picture in my head. Let's hope he gets out of the race before the convention so we can have a little time to decide on our candidate.

  4. I thought you talked about maybe moving to either France or Greece once the dogs were gone. I take it that idea has gone by the board now!

    1. I'd say there's still a good possibility. There's 2.5 things that I need to do to the house before I can sell, which would give me a toasty nest egg enabling me to move anywhere.
