
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 The heat dome has cracked... at least for a few days.  The prediction today is for our temps to only climb into the mid 80s (F), which will be nice.  By next week, we're supposed to be in the slow cooker.  One thing I have noticed, and this is probably because I am getting older, is that I don't seem to be minding the heat.  The Central Air is set at 74 and there are times when I'm downstairs playing a game, or writing when I think that's a bit cool.  And the truth is that I am getting older.

Yesterday was one of those sleepy days, not that I spent the entire day napping.  I got in an 11 mile ride on the bike and tossed around my dumbbells for a bit.  The kitchen floor was swept and mopped, and the kitchen cabinets got a good cleaning.  In fact, I spent a lot less time on Threads than I usually do.  My Twitter account was shut down a while back.  

My new kitchen scale arrived.  It just weighs the food.  I'm not nearly anal enough to buy one that provides nutritional value as well.  

I also placed the order for my chair.  It's costing a pretty penny, as they say, though I doubt very much if anybody still uses pennies.  It should be arriving in 10 - 12 weeks, or week or two after I get back from Greece.  Interior Define is the company making it.  Furniture makers; I never thought I'd be using them so frequently.  Anyway, here's what it should look like, though hopefully, the color will be less green and more brown.  The swatch is a dark tan.

And Democrats are in a bit of a bind; our presumed presidential candidate is 81 years old and quite a few people think that's too old to be president.  Does it matter?  For someone who's been advocating age limits for members of Congress, the answer is yes.  You can go to old wise men for advice, but I don't think one of them should be running the country.  Even though I'd hoped he would have realized that he was a one term, caretaker president after the Orange Anus left office, I also always suspected he run for a 2nd term.  I do believe he and his advisors thought it would be a much smoother ride.  I also think the plan was, after he was sworn in for a 2nd term, he'd resign and the country would have almost 4 years of Kamal, setting her up to run for re-election.  He has a live interview with Lester Holt on Monday.  No matter how well he does, the Republicans are going to hammer him on his age, not that this is really going to matter. People's minds have already been made up.  They are either going to vote for good or evil, Democracy or dictatorship.  We already know that turn-out for the Republicans has already been damaged by the Anti-Trumpers, this means Democrats need to show up at the polls in force.  As Bob says, "Vote Blue."


  1. Love that chair!
    And I am BEYOND the whole 'uncle Joe is old' thing. There were younger people running for prez when he won. There are younger people now who are talking shit about him and what did they do? Wait until the last fucking moment. They are getting on my last nerve.
    They want Project 2025 to be implemented. That's it.


    1. Democrats are going to win, no matter who their nominee is. And for a hot second, I almost bought a chair that swiveled, thank God I came to my senses.

  2. We are baking currently at or over 100 degrees for the next 2 weeks. It started earlier this week and is supposed to continue until next week. Your chair looks great, Dave. You picked out a winner.

    1. I feel so sorry for you having to suffer through that heat. Our temps will shoot up again in a few days. Looks like a hot, hot, hot summer. I like the curve of the chair.

  3. Yes, Vote Blue!
    Do NOT vote for a Felon because that's also a vote for Project 2025 and that would spell the end of this country as we know it, and America would be of the White People, by the Rich People, and for the [ALLEGED] Christian People.

    1. And, it's quite possible, we'd be at war with each other.
