
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Played by Republicans

 This morning's temp is 74 (F).  Today's high is supposed to be 101 (F).  Honestly, I can't remember have the high temp being over 100 (F).  How hot is it?  I sold some fake grass to a woman yesterday who wanted it for her dog; it's too hot to walk him on the sidewalk.  I didn't ask if she was going to keep the grass in her house or not.  

I did get a nice little flooring sale, and also a lead for interior shutters, which are expensive, so the lead made management happy.  

Otherwise, it was a pretty much of a meh day.  Most of the customers I talked to at work complained about the heat.  Sometimes I want to remind them that we had a very warm winter, but usually I don't.  I can see in their eyes that the only time weather makes an impact on their lives is when it's an event, such as a deep snow, or as in this summer, which, halfway through July, is very hot.  They'll remember this summer, unless next summer warmer.  Of course, if summers continue to get warmer because of Global Warming, this summer will be remembered as the first.

I watched a movie called Creator last evening.  It started off good, very good, actually.  Americans are the bad guys trying to kill off synthetic people who have been blamed for a terrible event.  Asians have no problem with the synths, and so America basically invades Asia.  About 2/3 of the way through the film, however, it goes off the rails, and the ending is a letdown. 

So, yesterday when I got the flash that Trump had chose JD Vance as his vice presidential candidate I started chort, chort, chortling away.  What does Vance bring to Trump?  Well, unlike Rubio and Bergum, he's politically stupid, and, unlike Rubio and Bergum, he's a celebrity of sorts.  That's important to Trump.  In fact, in Trump's press release, he mentioned that Vance was a famous author and that Hillbilly Legacy had been made into a movie.  Great qualifications for a vice president to have.  No one should have been surprised.  In fact, I'm guessing Tim Scott is a little relieved because now he doesn't have to get married.

Another thing about that supposed assassination attempt.  I want to remind people that Reagan also survived and assassination attempt and his approval rating went through the roof.  I've often told Republicans waiting for another Reagan, they need someone who has survived an assassination attempt.  Of course, after he was shot, the press played Reagan up as being like your grandfather.  Trump's a convicted felon, and there is nothing grandfatherly about him.  There are so many things that simply don't add up to this... shooting, except for Republicans, many are scratching their heads and starting to wonder if they've been played.  


  1. Wait. Fake grass for a doggie?
    It'll get soaked and stinky, no? Where is she going to put it????

    And Vance is bringing billions from that gay repug and his friends. And he's a 'personality' who likes eyeliner. He'll go fine with Cheeto.
    And did you see Cheeto had a HUGE band-aid on his ear during the convention but NOTHING the previous days while he was playing golf? Playing the rubes for all they're worth.
    And I kinda liked The Creator. It was a good streaming movie...


  2. The Felon picked Vance because his Coke-Addled Son and his Dumb Son told him to do so.
    That speaks volumes.

    1. I understand Musk and Peter Thiel were also in on the decision making process, translation probably being that they paid for Vance to be chosen.

  3. Everyone was belly aching over his VP pick. Doesn't matter who he picked...there all evil.

  4. I saw Hillbilly Elegy and it was a good film and made me realize just how good an actress Glen Close is. And that's about as much as I know about J.D. Vance!

    1. Well, he's married to a Indian woman and he seems to like wearing eyeliner, oh, and he's wealthy.
