
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Good Lord

 So, hello Sunday.  I hope every one's doing fine.  The weather's nice, with today's predicted high to be in the upper 80s (F).  No rain is forecast.  Tomorrow, however, they're calling for afternoon storms.  It doesn't really bother me since I work.  

I work today, too, and I'm hoping it's not going to be like yesterday.  I had to cut carpet twice and sheet vinyl once.  One of the carpet cuts was... amusing.  It was for a young couple who were building a dog bed for the foot of their bed.  She said, "when he's full grown, he's going to be too big to sleep on the bed," so I asked how big he was going to get and she replied, "30 pounds."  Of course, I had to laugh.  I did not ask if they had a teeny, tiny bed, but did tell them how at one time I had 180 pounds of dogs sleeping on my bed.  They looked quite perplexed, and I felt bad that they thought a 30 pound dog was big.

The rest of the day was boring.

And as Maddie would tell you, Harrisburg is about 75%/25% liberal/conservative.  Geographically, I'm in the 25% area and many of the people here are traditional Republican.  Some of the people who have friended me on Facebook from this side of the river are Trumpers.  I really have no problem pissing them off.  In fact, sometimes I find it rather joyful.  This being said, I had a grand time posting this.  Good Lord, I'm sure some were truly offended. 

I am surprised that none of you heard me laughing.

Reading what the Orange Anus is saying at his rallies, and on occasion listening to small bits since it's impossible to listen to him for more than 10 -12 seconds without becoming openly hostile to assholes, it's obvious he's becoming more and more erratic.  Unhinged is too nice a word.  And the Main Stream Media is beginning to pick up on this, as both NPR, The Hill, and the Washington Post published his telling a Christian rally that they needed to vote for him.  He actually told them that if they voted for him now, they would have to vote in four years, or ever again.  This man is so desperate to squeeze out an orange turd.

The Villages, which is usually hard core Republican, had a golf cart parade for Kamala yesterday.  According to many sources, there were at least 500 golf carts in the parade.  Ronnie DeSantis claimed there were only 100, but good Lord, most of us know that Ronnie D is a lyin' Republican.  Wait, let me change that.  Ronnie D is a failed, lyin' Republican.


  1. If that couple thought that 30 lb dog was too big for their bed, makes you wonder how much THEY weighed!

    1. He was taller and rounder than me, she was on the petite side, and they were both in the mid to late 20s.

  2. Unhinged Felon is funny to watch.

    1. And we thought the shit show was wild before; Republicans had better fasten their seatbelts, it's going to be a very bumpy flight.

  3. Though we live in California we’re in Trump country here in southern Riverside County. The sheriff is one of those constitutional extremist sheriffs and a big Trump supporter. So much for law and order :( The locals feel Trump is misunderstood, like some nuts that say Hitler was misunderstood.

    1. I hear that a lot from cultists, it's just another lie, they know exactly what he's doing and like it.
