
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Something in the Air

 Well, we had rain yesterday.  Lots of rain.  What was original supposed to be the occasional thundershower, turned into a soaking rain.  Not that we didn't have thunder... and lightning, but I'm going to say we probably got at least an inch of rain as well, and for my brown, brown lawn it was so nice to get a good drink of water.  

I did work yesterday.  It was a long 8 hours, not that I didn't talk to customers, however no one was interested in setting up a measure.  Sales from last week look a bit janky, no doubt because of that Microsoft software update that went wrong.  One of the casualties of that screw-up was the color matcher in the paint department.  It will now only work on one of the computers, the one that isn't on a desk.  I know this because I spent an hour and a half working in the paint department yesterday covering lunches.

A new toner cartridge is arriving today for my laser printer.  One of the things I do when writing, is to print off each chapter after it's finished and put it in a binder.  I like having a hard copy for making notes, especially for the first draft.  I keep that hard copy, so I can go back and look at what I changed and why I changed it.

And after Sunday night's excitement, last night was calm.  I've started playing Starfield again.  Right from the beginning.  Not surprising, my character looks almost exactly the same as he did on my first play through.

Something else I've notice:  Angry conservatives are bending themselves in double in outrage at the Kamala Harris nomination.  Holy Crap! man!  They are furious!  And we thought they'd taken off the mask when Trump got elected; how wrong could we have been.  Conservatives are ugly, hateful people... and it seem that they're also rather impotent, spitting out their venom because that's all they have.

On the other hand you have America.  We are a country with a silent majority who, it just so happens, is not conservative.  We are a country that loves our Democracy.  We may not be as diverse as some people want, but we are changing, we are maturing.  America is filled with decent folk who find Donald Trump, and his cultists ugly and deformed.  This is so apparent with the Harris campaign, with the number of delegates giving her their support.  On top of the war chest she inherited from Biden, an additional $231 million dollars has been donated to her campaign since the announcement.  A Zoom call that hoped to get 1000 black women call in got 44,000 callers.  Nikki Haley's Election PAC, with it's $40 million, has swung its support to the Harris campaign.  I wrote before about how conservatives should be scared of waking up the giant, well, the giant is awake.  I see it in the videos.  I hear it in people's voice.  Pride in Democracy.  You can feel it like static electricity lifting up the hair on your  arms.  We can almost taste it, that super special something in the air.


  1. Oh, it's been hot here. Probably rains today.
    We did have a VERY strong storm last week (very scary, with winds and rain and the works). But no rain.
    And the way the Harris campaign has woken up a whole segment of the population is the silver lining in this whole affair.
    I did hear about Haley's PAC and about the zoom call and about the MONEY her campaign got! Holy shit.
    Also, she nailed all the right delegates. Win.


    1. Honestly, the last time I saw such optimism among Democrats was when Obama ran.

    2. True!
      The base seems energized. Good!


  2. I think this and Harris might be the big scale tipper and burst of energy the Democrats needed to re-energize and get the exhaust out of the pipes so to speak. It's been actually exciting!!!!

    1. You know what I'm talking about! There seems to be a happy aura around everyone who isn't a Republican.

  3. That last paragraph was heartening. God, I hope you're right.

    1. You can feel it, too, can't you? It's amazing.

  4. I hadn't heard that about Haley's PAC; that is a stunning turn of events!

    1. I was wrong on the $ amount, but she did send them a "cease and desist" order, pic tomorrow.

  5. Harris was just glowing at her rally today! God, it feels good to have hope again!

    1. It is, isn't it? Not that Joe was going to lose, but this is so much better!
