
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Democrats Play the Republicans

 Yesterday, the weathermen lied.  We had a hot one: 98 (F), that's about 10 degrees warmer than they were predicting, and, silly me, I turned off the central air thinking it shouldn't be that warm in the house when I got home from work.  Wrong.  Not that it took that long to cool the place down, it was just such a shock walking through the front door into an oven.

And work was steady, not that a I got any measures.  The customers with the sample issue from Saturday came in, they'd gotten measured and were so pleased with the quote they're upgrading their carpet to something more expensive.  This is how Karma works, you go out of your way a little, and Karma balances that extra step.  They'll probably buy on Wednesday.  That's nice.  It's a $3500 sale.

Other than that my day was pretty much meh... 

Except for one little thing.

I got my first newsflash from The Guardian and the rest of Main Stream Media slowly followed.  As soon as I heard the first announcement a feeling of elation gathered around me like a bouquet of flowers.  I knew this decision was coming, I just didn't know when, just as I knew it was, and is roiling the Republican party to it's very core.  Their problem is that they are now stuck with a 78 year-old felon as their candidate, the oldest candidate in American history.  That problem is compounded by the fact that so many Americans simply can't stomach Donald Trump.  He is the Orange Anus... with hemorrhoids.  

When I had breakfast with my brother, we talked about Biden stepping down and he asked me if I thought this had been in the works since January.  I told him I didn't know.  I do believe that in spite of everything that's been talked about on the news we were never really told the what was actually going on.  The fact that Biden did so poorly at his the debate had me wondering, was that planned?  It was definitely a Kickstarter for what happened yesterday.  Did the Democrats play the Republicans?  I'd like to think so.

And the Republicans are shitting bricks, almost literally.  In their playbook, Biden was going to stay in the race and lose.  Now they're going to be dealing with someone younger, that's already a mark against them.  Trump has already said the next 2 debates are in jeopardy; he clearly doesn't want to go up against someone who might call him out.  I hope the Democrat's candidate is Harris.  I want her to force Trump to debate her, a black woman, and then humiliate him in public.  This is Karma, too.  If you've been paying attention to the Republican party for any length of time, you've realized that they are all voice and no spine.


  1. OMG
    You've been right all this time. I remember the first time you said Uncle Joe was going to step down and I didn't believe it.
    But now he has. And the party seems revitalized. Kamala got millions in small donations and Black Twitter is ready to fight the MAGAt masses.
    I think Joe did a fantastic job. This country is very fickle and has the attention span of a goldfish, but his hand will show in the future. Especially in what concerns the economy and infrastructure.
    Kamala is coming in strong, with the backup of a ton of Dems. Huntley thinks she'll choose the PA governor as a running mate. Whichever white dude she chooses, you know that now Cheeto IS the elderly man the MAGAts built their campaign around. Joy.


    1. You can feel it in the air! And Republicans are scared shitless.

  2. I think it's great that Biden waited so long to make the decision because 1. Trump was so confident that he had it made that he went with a VP choice offers nothing at all to make up for his deficiencies. The far right LOVE Vance but they were going g to vote for that ticket regardless. They might have picked a better VP if they hadn't been so sure they were going to defeat Biden..and

    2.They wasted their whole convention attacking g and denigrating Joe Biden and it was all for nothing! Haha! All that wasted energy, time, and money and as soon as it was over THEN Joe made his announcement. THAT'S the way to do it! Go Brandon!

  3. Karma in the form of Kamala :)
    Trump the hemorrhoid should go drown himself in a vat of Preparation H !
    Biden will go down in history as one of the best, Trump will just go down the drain in a whirlpool. -Rj

    1. I think this is going to be double, maybe triple Karma, possibly with caramel on top.

  4. know girlfriend will debate him back good. And besides.....he should be use to facing prosecutors by now! LOL!!! Some don't think she is a good speak...but I think she is excellent and always gets right to the point.

    Im also hearing from some connections Josh Shapiro is being heavily vetted as her VP. He and the Kentucky governor.

    1. He will never debate her, and she's going to ask what happened to his loud-mouthed balls.

  5. This change has given our party new energy. I don't think it was planned all along. I would love to see Kamala kick trump's ass in a debate. He'll probably be too frightened and will try to find a way to wiggle out of it.


    1. Trump will never debate, and Harris will call him a coward to his face.

  6. I think they had to go for Kamala otherwise they would lose access to the war chest. While I would like to see a strong woman win, I have my doubts about her sadly!

    1. She'll do fine. Her main job is to take power back from conservative, white men and give it back to the people.
