
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Americans are Fed Up

 We're under a heat advisory for the next 2 days.  Today's high is supposed to be in the low 90s (F), and tomorrow's, if they're correct, should hit 98 (F).  The Central Air did kick on yesterday, and I don't doubt it will kick on today.  That's fine.

This warm weather quickens the drying time for my laundry; the moisture is evaporating from my first load as I type.  How late into the fall I go with the drying rack is anybody's guess.  When I was a child, my mom hung clothing out to dry year-round.  She also had a wringer washer, which didn't wring out as much water as people thought.  Those were the days when everything need to be ironed.  That was housework.  Women who complain about doing housework today really have no idea what life was like 60 years ago.

I was talking to my neighbor yesterday morning, and she was complaining.  They've discovered that their going to need a new roof (this is why you pay for the home inspection before buying a house.)  I feel bad for them, but at the same time I don't.  Her son's a freshman at Temple University, and depending upon how this year goes for him, they might sell the house and move, at least that's what she implied.  Oh, and when I suggested she might want to get a part-time job now that her daughter was in school she told told me she couldn't because she liked to... and she put her thumb and forefinger together in front of her mouth and toked on an invisible joint.  That's right, she's a pot head.  (Can you hear me laughing?)

And Halloween came to work yesterday.  The orange rolling gates blocking it off from the public are essential because some customers will randomly open a box.  People get really excited about Halloween decorations.  Oh, and that's only about half of it.

Orangie's team is throwing a great big shit fit about open mics at his scheduled debate with Harris.  They know their loser too well.  Two of his many serious problems are keeping his mouth shut, and letting his diarrhea mouth run off point.  His team also knows that Harris, being as former prosecutor will have no problem shutting him down.  Let's be perfectly honest, they're looking for a reason to backout.  Things were different when they thought he was going to stay on top, when they believed Americans would have not problem listening to him ramble inanities, but things have change.  They had zero plans for the Democrats to fire back at them, to scoring lots of points with so many Americans who are simply fed up with the "Just Say No," and "Shut up, I'm in Charge," party.  To be blunt, a large majority of Americans are sick and tired of Donald Fucking Trump.  


  1. Same with the heat.
    And I cannot believe people will OPEN RANDOM BOXES that are sealed. Humanity is doomed to fuckery.
    And you know THEY know Cheeto is a fuckup and will randomly walk behind Kamala and tut-tut and add commentary to everything she says. He'll also talk shit and she'll shut him down.
    They are, of course, trying to back out of that debacle.
    Can't wait.


    1. Believe me, Christmas is worse. And if Trump walks behind her, she's going to tell him to stop acting weird and go back to his podium.

  2. Just like all laser bullies, Trump is a giant coward. If the debate happens his team know that Harris will mop the floor with his ass.

    Your neighbor can't get a part time job because she smokes pot? Where would she be applying that tests for marijuana anymore? Sounds like she'd rather sit on the couch and get high!

    1. Home Depot tests for pot in Pennsylvania because it's still illegal. And if that debate goes through, she's going to tell him to shut up, and he'll walk off.

  3. Maybe he'll have a late in life case of bone spurs?

    1. He actually has to show up (hahaha) or just walk away from the election.

  4. My mom had a wring washer too (that was after the tub and washboard) and seven kids so I can only begin to imagine how hard she worked. Both my parents did actually. And of course trying to get all that washing dried outside in England - well I'll leave you to imagine the joys!

    1. Isn't it nice that we've left most of those joys in the past, where they belong.
