
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Truth Sinks In

 The outside temp is 67 (F) and there isn't a single cloud in the sky.  We're supposed to warm up today, into the mid to upper 80s (F), but, if the forecast is correct, daily highs will drop back into the low 80s (F) and no rain.  That will be nice.

We did get a lot of rain yesterday.  How much?  I have no idea, but it was a lot.  Debby went right over Central PA before soaking her way through New Jersey and New York.  Twenty-one counties have been declared disaster areas because roads have been washed out.  Yes, we had that much rain.  A water main broke somewhere in Mechanicsburg and we're under a "boil water" order until further notice.  While I have water, the pressure is low.  Showering will be difficult, so I may end up taking a sponge bath before I go to work.  

I ended up with around 8 inches of water in my basement.  As I've said before, when it does flood, it drains fast, so the floor is already beginning to dry.  My new water heater took a hit though.  I reset it, but the light is flashing 5 times followed by a 3 second pause.  That indicates a pilot light issue.  It's a Bradford White Defender, and since cold showers don't bother me, later this morning I'll contact them and arrange for a repairman to come, hopefully on Tuesday.  

Yesterday I made sure my credit card was good to go in Greece.  I also arranged for international calling for my T-Mobile account.  It's an extra $50 for one month.  I'll have to restart the phone when I get there, but after that I can call (should I want to) and send texts without having to rely on wi-fi.  

And then yesterday this also happened.

Twenty thousand people went to rally with Kamala Harris.  Just let that truth sink in.

The Orange Anus held a rally yesterday as well, in Bozeman, Montana, in an arena that holds a little less than 9000.  It was half full.  For those who don't know, Montana is a deeply red Republican state, and the arena was half full.  Of course, several of the Main Stream Media outlets streamed his rally live.  They simply don't understand.  A very large portion of America is fed up with their insistent coverage of Trump.  No one wants to see close-ups of the Orange Anus.  No one wants to listen to his cognitive decline.  Yet, they continue to show these things because the Moral Degenerate has people clicking on their websites.  And, in a very odd way, they are furthering the demise of his campaign by constantly airing Trump's tired, old bullshit.  What criticisms they have of the Orange Anus are not in bold print by any means.  This morning the WaPo, in a very minor headline, stated that the GOP's new worry was that the Idiot can't drive a coherent message.  Duh  Just let that truth sink in.


  1. Why hold a rally in a state that you won, that the GOP nearly always wins?
    To stoke your ego. That's all.

    1. And he only filled half the arena. He's had a number of serious fails, so his ego must feel like it's being smashed with sledgehammers.

  2. I watched the live stream of the rally in AZ last night, and all I can say is WOW! Harris and Walz are on FIRE. I sure hope all this enthusiasm translates to votes, though. It's no time to get complacent.

    And you just know that Dump is about ready to have a stroke, he's so enraged at the crowds and attention the Dem ticket is drawing! His mental condition is rapidly spiraling, and I'm here for it. He deserves every bit of stress he's under, and more, for what he's done to our country.

    1. You can practically feel the electricity shooting around the arena. And you/'re right, his bitter, little heart is chewing itself to pieces.

  3. Electric or gas water heater?

  4. It's gas, but a new fancy, shmancy digital one.

  5. So sorry you've had such bad Flooding. We're enduring Record breaking heat and one of our AC's, the New One, took a crap and they can't seem to fix it... and throwing Money at various solutions hasn't worked and the Warranty was structured so that the Manufacturer is using loopholes not to just replace it and keeps replacing part after part. The outlay for us has been extensive and still our Home is 80-90 Degrees on one whole side that Unit Serves. Hair Furor has such extensive cognitive decline, he wasn't All There during his 1st Term and it's only worsened to where it's more than dangerous for him to be making any decisions... but the obscenely Rich and the desperately bitter disenfranchised poor Whites who have Victim Mentality keep making excuses and propping him up as their chosen Messiah. If he finally FOADs it would perhaps diffuse their movement considerably.

    1. The flooding was more of a nuisance than anything else, I didn't lose anything. And the Orange Anus suffered a 21 second Mitch McConnell up in Bozeman and Fox cut away.

  6. You might want to look into turning "roaming" off when you leave the States. I learned (to my cost) that if I left roaming on I was getting charged to use each country's phone networks so I tried to keep it to wifi at the hotel! Flying back from Sri Lanka I once got a "welcome to Turkey" notification as we were flying over it!!!

    1. Thanks for the info. I'll make sure to turn the roaming off. "Welcome to Turkey!" made me laugh!
