
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Karma and the Supreme Court

 The temps are in the mid 60s (F) and only predicted to climb into the upper 70s (F), so the A/C and the ceiling fans are turned off.  However, the cloudy, drizzle of yesterday meant using the dryer rather than hanging my 2 loads of laundry out to dry, so while it was a savings on my electrical bill, it wasn't a great savings, more of a trade-off.  And even though the temperature is not cooking, it's still humid.

I put a timer on the light for the aquarium in the the living room.  My neighbor from across the street will be feeding my fish while I'm gone, but I don't want her having to come over to turn the lights off, and then come back over to turn them off.  I'm not wild about having people in my house when I'm not home, so the fewer times she's inside, the better.  

Feeling there was a need for a break between the backsplash and the counter, I put a tile border in yesterday putting a line between the two.  It's tan, and dresses up the counter / backsplash.

And I finally went to see Deadpool and Wolverine last evening.  There is a reason why it's the number 1 movie in the country, earing over $420 million in just 13 days.  It's funny.  It's violent.  It's also touching at times.  It has the ugliest dog in the world.  And most important!  There is chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman.  It's a buddy film in which the buddies don't really like each other, and sometimes hate each other, and frequently try and kill each other, a difficult thing to do since they both regenerate.  I enjoyed this immensely!

Here's something to think about:  many were upset when the Supreme Court decided that presidents have immunity for almost everything they do when they're in office.  Of course, the majority of conservatives reached this decision when they believe the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump, was easily going to win this election because he was running against Joe Biden.  They were giving the Orange Anus the power to do whatever he wanted in order to force the country down an ultra conservative path.  Now, however, the game has changed.  Trump is running against Kamala Harris and flailing.  The "Sure Thing" the Supreme Court was counting on has now become a millstone around their necks.  This is why Gorsuch whined about Democrats changing the courts.  The fact that they believe themselves to be kingmakers is not lost a a large majority of Americans.  Their Karma is approaching.  When it comes, do not be overjoyed at their suffering.  Nope.  Just enjoy the feeling of satisfaction that the world is now a better place.


  1. Oh, Deadpool movies are a hoot.
    Also, this movie is very homoerotic while trying not to be, which is even more fun.

    The paid-and-bought SCOTUS judges and DonOld are reeling with the Kamala situation and that's a fabulous sight.


    1. Sorry, but it specifically tried to be homoerotic.

  2. I'm glad we got rain....everything is getting green already. I too swear by timers. I generally have one in the living room on when away.

    At least with your trip you don't need vaccinations. I had to get 3 for my upcoming trip in September.

    1. Don't know if you saw the forecast, but we might get 8 inches of rain tomorrow. Where are you going?

  3. The un-supremes will be in for a supreme shock !
    You bet they will do all in their power to disrupt the election to give it to Trump, we must be outspoken and vigilant.
    They have neither integrity or legitimacy, issues they have brought on themselves.

    1. I'm sure Sammy Alito's wife is self-flagellating constantly.

  4. Enjoy the cooler temps and glad you enjoyed the movie. It was a good time. I need to watch again to catch all of the jokes I missed. It felt like I was drinking from a firehouse sometimes with all of the dialogue that was flying around.

    1. I'll watch it again when it airs on Disney, because the jokes were too fast to understand them all.

  5. Even when I lived in the States I found it strange that people constantly use their dryers. I realise not everyone has the space to hang washing out but while I have a dryer I NEVER use it (maybe once about five years ago). My washing either goes outside on the balcony or inside in the bathroom to dry. I also get that maybe people don't want washing hanging around but I do wonder what the savings in electricity consumption must be too. And while I probably won't go to see that film, anything with both Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in sounds pretty good to me!

    1. It never occurred to me to use a drying rack until a few years back, and now I'm surprised at how much I use mine. That movie was very funny, and... shall I say tastefully violent.
