
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Trump's Getaway Fund

 Okay, so the outside temp is 76 (F).  It is humid.  There is the possibility of thunderstorms this afternoon, but then we had the same possibility yesterday, and nothing.  No rain.  Tomorrow?  Forecasters are calling for showers.

Yesterday, work was meh.  I did hit my sales goal for the week, but that's all that happened.  Our Halloween display is just about complete.  One thing noticeably missing is the inflatables.  Halloween is supposed to be scary and let's face it, blow-up monsters just aren't scary.

All of my chargers are lined up and ready to be packed, not that I have that many, just my phone and my watch.  I bought myself an adapter that lets me plug in my laptop while letting me charge them at the same time.  This should be easy, peasy.  Also, since I've set myself up for international calling, later this afternoon I'm going to add the calling code to those numbers I'm going to be texting pictures to.  I also want to check out a map of the Philadelphia airport to locate terminals A and F, since I'm going to be traveling between the two both going and coming.

I watched Wicked Little Letters last evening.  It was a fun movie.  You might want to call it a mystery, comedy, drama.  Someone is sending obscene letters to different people in the town.  There's no nudity, but the language?  Obscenely funny.

And is it me, or does it seem like a day doesn't pass during which the Orange Anus manages to get bad press?  Take the Arlington Cemetery incident, for example.  Putting a wreath at the grave of a recently deceased war hero might be seen as decent and honorable, if only Orangie hadn't called those who died fighting for our country, losers and suckers.  He's mocked and derided Gold Star Families, and then he tries to turn their grief into a photo op.  I saw this morning that his team is trying to backtrack on that piece of stupidity.  Someone should tell him, it's already too late.

And then next week Orangie is hosting a gala at Bedminster as a purported fund raiser to pay for legal fees of his January 6 conspirators.  Yeah, I know, Stupidity, thy name is Trump.  Supposedly, he's trying to raise $1 million to help pay for their defense.  Personally, I suspect most of the proceeds will end up going into his "Getaway Fund."  In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if he has quite the nest egg saved up to cover his relocation expenses.


  1. Everything The Felon does is a lie, plain and simple; never have I trusted him.

    1. In total agreement with you. Never, ever have I thought he was good.

  2. Oh I'm going to see if I can get that movie. I love Olivia Coleman and that list bit where it said "Die Slut - it's German" - cracked me up!

    1. I laughed at that, too. Coleman is so extremely talented. The entire cast is good.
