
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Orangie and the Technical Difficulties

 Temps are again predicted to be in the low 80s (F) today, with nearly cloudless skies and light breezes.  That being said, my first load of laundry is outside drying as I type, and the 2nd is in the washer.  

Yesterday, work was fine.  I got my mandatory 2 measures, and had a $1500 sale go through, so I'm ducky dandy for the week.  

I've plenty on my menu for today, including getting my hair cut.  I'd had it cut a while back thinking it wouldn't get shaggy before I left for Greece.  Boy, was I wrong.  While it's getting cut, I'll have them take care of my eyebrows, too.  

The final season of The Umbrella Academy is streaming on Netflix.  Since I enjoyed the past 3 seasons, I thought I'd give it a watch.  It's... okay.  Because it can take up to 2 years between each series of episodes, the cast has aged... a lot.  Originally the characters were young adults, in their early 20s, now they're adults and two of them have children.  Elliot Page looks and sounds like he's in his 40s (he's actually 37).  Megan Mullaly joins the cast for the final season, and I kept wondering why?  She's a good actor stuck in a two dimensional character.  It's not that I didn't think some parts were interesting, but mostly I kept thinking that this was a sad way to end a series, and when the final credits rolled I asked myself "that's it?"

Remember when Ronnie DeSantis announced his candidacy on Zitter?  Well Elon interviewed the Orange Anus last evening... after a 40 minutes delay because of technical difficulties a cyber attack that only effected Orangie and Elon.  No one else on the platform had a problem.  Ronnie D experienced the same technical difficulties cyber attack.  Orangie's appearance on Zitter caused Truth Social's stock to crash (dear me).  And when the interview finally happened, it turned out to be a rambling conversation with softball questions.  Only a fool would have expected anything else.

Here's a quote from the former Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.

Just think about that.  60% of Americans despise Orangie.  Sadly, his squeaky wheel is not going to get any grease and the squeaking is only going to get louder and angrier.  Of course, when he loses on November 5, he's going to lie again, claiming the election was rigged, and that the Democrats cheated.  That is if he's still able to speak coherently.  The angrier he gets, the more those tiny blood vessels in his orange, little brain come closer to popping him over into raging insanity. 

One of the things that had me laughing was that supposedly ranking members of the GOP are telling Orangie he needs to refocus.  Dear Lord, I'd have thought they'd have realized that this is as focused as he ever going to get.


  1. Oh, I was positively gleeful when the Elmo/DonOld fiasco took place on Twitter. Same with Death Santis, but times ten this time. Elmo's excuse of a cyberattack was laughable, of course (just like everything he does) and Cheeto spitting and rambling after they managed to stabilize the platform? Priceless. He's way beyond any help.

    I liked the Umbrella Academy. Including the last season. Was it as fresh as the first one? Nope. But it did give the vibes.


    1. Yeah, it gave bad vibes. Why was Klaus even in it? Social media was not kind to the Donnie and Elon show

  2. He does seem to be doing his fair share of foaming at the mouth these days.

    1. I honestly think Trump and Musk thought the numbers listening would rival Harris's zoom calls. They failed.

  3. Trump seems to suffer from mange and rabies ! And leave it to mad cow diseased Musk to make it even worse.

  4. The Felon won't listen to advisors because his meltdowns feed his base.
    But they also fuel the intense dislike of The Felon so it's lose-lose.

    1. It's almost as if he was sent to destroy the Republican party.

  5. I'll have to check out The Umbrella Academy. Sometimes, though, programmes that you can get in the US we can't get over here so last night I switched my VPN to say I was in the States et voilà, it worked!

    1. There's also a lot of European programming that never gets shown here, too. That's a terrible shame.
