
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Rally in Wilkes Barre

 Holy Crap!  We're under a Flood Watch again.  More rain is in the forecast.  The clouds from yesterday are still hanging around overhead.  Temps got warmer yesterday then expected.  The approaching rain is going to drive them down.  I checked out the weather in Greece, and right now it's 94 (F).  It might cool off a few degrees by the time I arrive in 2 weeks, but not much.  But that will be better than walking around the ruins of Spart with the temps blazing in the low 100s (F).

Retail yesterday was boring.  I got a measure.  I talked to some people.  Mostly, I wasted time.  I did have a nice conversation with the store manager, about gaming, and people.  Later I was chatting with Cori, she's the artist who does my book covers and who has known him for as long as I, and we decided how nice it was having a manager whom we've both known for years.  There is a level of comfort many people will never understand.  Not that he's going to let us slide, he wouldn't be store manager if he allowed that to happen.

I ordered a lock for my suitcase.  Not a combination lock, either.  It's not that I have problems with remembering the combinations, it's just that they're so time consuming, having to line the right numbers up.  Honestly, I'd just rather turn a key.  That probably tells you something about how my mind works.  I'd have no problem with a fingerprint lock; just touch it and it opens.  The pack I bought has a combination lock.  The combination is 202, just in case any of you want to break into my pack. 😎😎😎

Orangie had a rally in Wilkes Barre.  For those of you who don't know, it's pronounced Wilks Barry.  The venue seats 9000, some said it was full, others said it was half full.  Most agree that about halfway through his standup routine people begin leaving.  Some say it's because they're expecting something fresh and new and get the same old, same old.  It must be disappointing as hell to see the rah, rah, rah of happiness and joy of a Harris rally, and then have to sit through Orangie's whining, doom and gloom bullshit.  Other's say it's because a large number are paid to be there, but only for so long, and once their payment hits their bank accounts they leave.  Anyway, The Guardian was not so nice to the former liar and thief.  I don't really think it makes much of a difference to this guy.


  1. Rumor has it he will be using blackout curtains at his future rallies to curtain off the empty sections ... like a huge black curtain around half the hall screams anything other than, "You can't fill an arena."

  2. God I remember walking around (yet another) set of ruins in Greece in the searing heat and I had had enough at that point! Mind you, one of the ladies had taken a fold-up umbrella to use - which was smart - as there was absolutely no shade whatsoever!

    1. I was thinking about taking one of those fold-ups but opted for a rain poncho instead: less bulk to carry around.
