
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Today is supposed to be a real stinker.  If the guys predicting the weather are correct, our temps should top off at 99 (F).  That's toasty.  Keep in mind, Pennsylvania is one of the Middle Atlantic states, so we're a little over halfway up the eastern seaboard.  I'm sure those states south of us are toastier.

I got a lot done yesterday, including a 10 mile ride along the Han river in South Korea.  I found it boring, so I'll not ride there again.  Three loads of laundry were washed and hung out to dry.  Today is sheet day, and they, too, are now out drying.  The high heat will evaporate the water fast.

One thing I don't like about this time of year is the gnats.  I don't know if it's because I'm so close to the river or what, but they are always worse towards the end of summer.  And me?  I'm a gnat buffet.  Interestingly enough, not at the park, even when I walk the nature trail.  Anyway, I wear a pair of sweatpants when I'm either hanging up laundry or doing yard work to keep my legs from getting chewed to pieces.

And, this might come as a surprise, but I'm thinking of dismantling my treadmill and getting rid of it.  Of course, I've thought of doing this before and didn't.  We shall have to wait and see.

Of course, there is this:

And yes, I have begun gathering things together to start packing.

And Orangie the angry anus was once again indicted yesterday for his coup attempt on January 6.  And he's fuming (there, didn't I put it nicely?).  In fact, for those who are old enough to remember, the entire GOP is squealing like Mr. Bill, "no, no, no, no!"  Jack Smith's review of Justice Eileen Cannon's opinions was scathing, saying things like she "failed to grasp the simply grammar," and "had a total disregard for history."  But then, she is a Trump loyalist.  He didn't call her a traitor to Democracy, but that underlying message was quite obvious.

Perhaps the biggest surprise yesterday was that there will be a debate.  Rats!  I'll in Greece if it happens.  There will be no open mics.  This is going to be a big problem for Orangie's campaign.  Harris is going to call him on every he says.  Hopefully, America will get the chance to hear her say, "Well, that's a lie," or possibly, "Well, that was one long rambling word salad."  It will, if Orangie shows up, give him what he loves so much, great numbers.  Millions will probably tune in hoping to see him storm off stage.  This is why I think that at the last possible moment he will develop laryngitis.  


  1. Ohhh
    Treadmills are tricky: they are cumbersome (unless you can make them stand up?) and they end up being glorified hangers for clothes.

    DonOld is FURIOUS. Love that for him. Jack knew that Cannon was gonna be sloppy (all they needed at that point was to delay everything) so this time he came with guns blazing.

    And I'm sure you'll be able to youtube the debate? All the MSM have life feeds....


    1. Of course, I might be too damn tired after walking all over Greece to watch Harris wipe the floor with Trumpt.

  2. Oh shoot.
    I have no idea if I posted a comment!!
    Oh well. Cheeto is furious and I like that!!!
    Check to see if you'll have youtube in your hotel room!!


  3. He is crapping his Depends at the thought of a debate.

  4. I'd rather be in Greece than watching any debate frankly!

    1. Hahaha Yeah, I'm probably not going to watch anything, I don't think I'll have time.
