
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, August 26, 2024


 Well, it's Monday.  Outside it's 68 (F).  That's not the best sleeping temp, but it's not bad.  It will be deteriorating (getting warmer) during the week as a mini-heatwave rushes past us.  Then, we fall back into more seasonal temps.

In comparison, the temp right now in Athens is 91 (F), and in Delphi 77 (F).  Delphi, contrary to what many may believe is halfway up Mount Parnassus.  It gets cold there in the winter.  In fact, there's a ski resort a few miles away.  Isn't that fascinating.  All of my life I thought Greece, being in the Mediterranean, was more tropical than anything else.  And they still wore togas when it was cold, though they were thick.  This is because the wearing pants was considered effeminate.  My, how things change.

I should have provided more information about my neighbor before yesterday's post, she is not your average stay-at-home mom and mother.  They are from Lancaster, about 45 minutes away, and because that's where her mom lives, she doesn't talk to anyone in the neighborhood.  If she's outside and I go out to do lawn work, she goes back into their house.  She and I doo talk occasionally, and she told me once that she thinks everyone is staring at her, (no one cares).  Instead of taking the garbage out and putting it in the trash bin, she throws the garbage bags out the back door and lets her husband put them in their garbage cans.  The wall separating our houses is poorly soundproofed, so I can tell you she needs the power naps because she stays up late watching TV.  Tammy, my neighbor across the street, has told me on more than one occasion that she's just "freakin' weird," though she didn't use the word freak.

Anyway, people keep asking me if I've started packing.  The answer's yes.

And... drum roll please....  The Orange Anus ranted this morning about ABC news dropping the first substantial hint that he's not going to debate Harris.  A gutless sack of shit, he is.  For anyone out there who didn't expect this, well, he has some golden sneakers he wants to sell you, or perhaps you might be interested in a couple of courses at Trump University... oh, wait, that's now defunct. In fact, he got sued because Trump University was a fraud, just another scam for him.

There's also an interesting bit in Axios this morning regarding those wealthy individuals who've handed over large sums of cash to the moral degenerate hoping to get on his good side.  The stupidity of these people simply amazes me, Trump has no good side.  And these people who so easily parted with their cash are now wondering just where all of those millions went? Just because you have money, doesn't mean you can't be dumb as a brick. 


  1. I wasn't the least bit surprised The Felon wants to skip the debate; he's a tiny scared little man.

    1. He's going to have a difficult time avoiding the "I told you sos."

  2. Oh, you know Cheeto is gonna try and sneak his way out of the debate cause Kamala is gonna sweep the floor with him. Kamala's cam is pushing for him to use the mic (not silent) so see how much shit he talks. Devilish.

    And in many places in the Mediterranean you change climate just by climbing a mountain or going across the Pyrenees.. Same in South America.

    I want pictures of you talking to cute Greek dudes, btw. Tell them you know someone in the Untied States who is going to enjoy them very much.


    1. I don't if she'll sweep the floor with him as much as she will simply hose him down the drain.

      That's right... Greek dudes.

  3. Trump is 10 pounds of shit in a 1 pound bag, and that bag is bursting ! :)

    1. That bag's been dripping for quite some time.

  4. Wow, that neighbour does sound "freaking weird". Could it be mental illness? And glad to see you've started packing!

    1. Believe me when I tell you "freaking weird," doesn't even come close.
