
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Carping From the Sidelines

 Yesterday was a somewhat decent day all around, even though the temps crested in the mid 90s (F).  There was again the possibility of thunderstorms that materialized elsewhere in Central PA, but not over my house.    The same forecast is in effect for today.  And tomorrow.  Sunday?  It seems as if they're calling for more substantial rains.

As I said, yesterday was a good day all around.  I got in an early 3 miles at Adams Ricci before things began to swelter.  All of the dog walkers have switched to earlier times as well.  There was a woman with a Staffie who simply had to sniff every tree and lamppost. 

I also finished all but one load of laundry, that's in the washer now.

Any windows are getting installed today.  I got a text from Aspen telling me that I'd been sent an email, but it never arrived, and it wasn't in my spam, so I don't know exactly when they'll be arriving this morning.  Probably not before 8.  While the installers are here, I'm planning on spending a bit of time on The Body in History.  I didn't write anything yesterday.  Boo.  Hiss.

Isn't it amazing how the Paris Olympics are continuing to garner praise, the oohs and ahhs never seem to stop, and it's not just the venues: beach volley ball in front of the Eiffel Tower, fencing in the Grand Palais, but the Olympians themselves.  I'm so glad to see the French winning so many gold medals.  I find these games simply amazing.  I'm sure the gods would be proud.

And, of course, there was a prisoner swap yesterday.  Big, big news for Democrats.  The Republicans were left to live with videos of Trump saying none of the prisoners would be coming home until after he was elected.  Those did not age well.  And, as the WaPo said, "he was left to carp from the sidelines."  Now isn't that a great statement:  "carp from the sidelines."  I wish I'd have thought of that.  

And, of course, there were the obligatory videos and pics of the prisoners deplaning, and Biden and Harris welcoming them, and all the while you could hear the Republicans carping from the sidelines.  Maybe they're wondering just what they did to piss of God, for this makes them look bad.

Interestingly, the negotiations began a year ago, right after Russia invaded the Ukraine.  I'm wondering if Putin didn't realize back then that this was not going to be a 3 day war.  Quite a number of people are thinking that this swap is a good indicator that he's most likely ready to bring that Russian mistake to a close, probably much sooner than later.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if negotiations began some time ago, when he realized things were not going as planned.  I'm wondering if he hasn't spent the last 2 years basically carping from the sidelines because now he looks bad.


  1. You just knew the games in Paris would be done right. Everything in Paris is memorable, grand and chic, and done with panache.

    1. The city is iconic and instead of holding the events inside, they're showcasing what makes it great.

  2. I loved when Biden was told that The Felon had said he would get them home and Biden said, "Then why didn't he?"

    1. I came here to say this Bob!

    2. It's fascinating that the negotiations for this swap started some time ago and the Russians, for reasons of their own, kept Trump out of the loop.

  3. The Olympics have been epic.
    I think that Uncle Joe, very quietly shut a TON of idiots up. THIS is how it's done. DonOld was left carping from the sidelines, that's right. He's a moron and as stupid and conceited as they come.
    And that shade Dark Brandon threw at the end of the press release? Priceless.


    1. The GOP is one of those double flush parties, and I find it funny they're they're going into panic mode as the 2nd flush approaches.

  4. Paris, the City of Light, does it right !
    President Biden is a man of accomplishment, you Americans should be proud !
    We routed the right wing extremistes in France, and the British their corrupted conservatives. As you vote for Kamala, America will do the same :)
    The Americans of the past who liberated La Belle France and Europe from fascism and the nazis, now you must pick up that torch and liberate yourselves from that same type of tyrrany, you can do it, as we have :)
    -Beau Mec

    1. It is amazing to see Biden cement himself into the history books, while struggles to make himself more than a footnote.

  5. As I kid I used to watch every single bit of the Olympics I could. That tailed off tremendously since then of course, but I did catch a bit of the equestrian events (at the Château de Versailles I think) and you're right the locations are stunning!

    1. Not only are the locations stunning, but the French athletes are knocking the socks off of these games with all of their gold medals.
