
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Packed... almost...

 Well, it's 69 (F) outside and the skies are overcast.  Purportedly, they're supposed to clear up and it's supposed to be partially sunny for my flight to Philly.  However, (isn't there always an however?) there is the threat of thunderstorms.  

Yesterday I got some stuff accomplished, like cleaning the aquarium in the living room, and packing, mostly what it seems I did was eat.  Nervousness, perhaps?  Possibly.  I tried the online check-in and that didn't work.  After I filled in all of the pertinent information and hit "enter," it took me back to the main screen where, other than print off a boarding pass, there were other things that I could do... like pay an additional $132  for a seat.  For those of you who don't know, I have little legs.  My inseam is 29 inches (buying pants is a nightmare).  I'm all torso.  So, upgrading for an additional 6 inches of legroom is not an essential.

I talked to my movie buddy Patty last evening, she's going to be feeding the fish.  I was going to let my neighbor from across the street handle that chore, but... well, I've known Patty for 15 years and I feel more comfortable with her in my house.  I'm sure a lot of you know what I mean.

And for those curious few out there who need to know... I am packed... almost.  That means everything that needs to be in the suitcase is in the suitcase.  So tell me, can you guess what one of my favorite colors is?

I find it fascinating that so many pundits are upset that when Dana Bash asked Kamala Harris about Trump's comment about her turning black Harris simply said "same old shit" (my version).  Instead of creating drama they could attempt to articulate about, she simply moved on.  And evidently the MSM is frustrated that soooo many people are turning to independent news sources to get their information because these people, like Harris, have simply moved on.  No one wants to hear once reputable journalists opining in a way that satisfies the billionaire owners of the NYT, the Washington Post, CNN, and NPR.  Both the Guardian and Reuters also provide fairly decent reporting, but then they're European and have no problem being critical in regard to American politics, no matter which party is involved.

And Elon got shut down in Brazil.  I'm betting the fact that someone told him to shut-up has him stamping his feet ferociously.  We all need more balls when dealing with billionaires, otherwise they will run rampant and ruin everything.


  1. I'm so glad to make a visit before your departure!!!! I'm so behind since being gone myself. My international trips always stress me when it comes to packing, being a clothes horse. I usually take a carry one, and check a suitcase. But mix and match many pieces to get more combinations, and always one dressy outfit for any fine dining establishments. I also can't get use to eating dinner so late 9 or 10 in most European and Mediterranean countries. Not sure about Greece. I look forward to hearing all about the trip once your returned!!!! But mostly, safe travels, have fun, stay safe and enjoy the culture!!!!!! XOXO

    1. Thanks! I don't know if I'll be hitting any fine dining establishments since this is basically a walking tour and I'll be trekking miles and miles each day.

  2. I loved that Kamala gave The Felon's nonsense no time; and I am as happy that Elon is getting a Brazilian smackdown!
