
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Melting Down

 And so Friday is upon us.  Weather wise, it's supposed to be another really nice day with temps in the mid-80s (F) and plenty of sunshine.  The weekend however?  Well, forecasters are saying we're going to have overcast skies, it's going to be humid, and there will be showers and thunderstorms.  That's okay with me.  I work weekends.

If those weather predictions hold out, the store will be slow.  That's normal for this time of year.  We always get the "back to school doldrums," because families usually set aside these weeks for vacation.  Those that don't go on vacation are usually busy buying back to school clothing for their children.  Even the great, orange, home improvement retailer I work for has "back to school" specials; needing to compete with Walmart and Target is the only way to grow market share.

So, I've joined the Vizsla club on Facebook.  The time has come to start the puppy search.  Someone said I should have begun looking a few weeks back, but I don't need to pick one up the first day I get back from Greece.  I've waited this long, I can wait for another few weeks.  

Much was accomplished yesterday, including a 3 mile walk at Adams Ricci, and an 8 mile bike ride.  The rose bushes out front were trimmed back, as were the peony bushes.  My dahlias are coming in nice.  Tammy, from across the street, gave me some earlier in the summer, but they're small, no more than 8 inches high.  The ones I plant from bulbs usually grow to around 2 feet with large blooms.  Here's are tiny, and they look more like zinnias.

Yesterday, the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump, threw a party in an attempt to get media attention that his petty little ego craves.  MSNBC didn't carry it, in fact they criticized his futile attempt to spread his lies and deceit.  CNN started to carry it live, and then cut away.  Only Fox Entertainment stayed for the duration.  There were supposed to be a few softball questions after his rambling ended but tell me, does anybody care?  Some people did torture themselves by watching in order to report on his dementia.   He complained that he had every right to verbally attack Kamala Harris because, among other things, she called him weird.  You have to admit, complaining about being called weird is... well, pretty weird.  Most mature people would simply brush it off, however, his skin is so incredibly skin, his festering ego so fragile, calling him weird is like throwing water on the wicked witch of the West.  By calling him weird, those who want to, get to see him public melting down.  


  1. Love the flowers!
    And of course DonOld was pissed off and rambled for two hours. He also had froot loops and assorted junk food on a table and talked about eagles and Kamala. And Biden.
    He's doing quite not fine. What strikes me is that his fourth grade vocabulary and syntax has deteriorated even more. Non sequiturs, trounced sentences, unfinished thoughts... He's a mess.


    1. I suspect his Judgement is going to be carried out in the public eye, which will please so many people to no end.

  2. Demented DonOld is losing it more and more each day and I am loving it.

    1. And he's taking the Republican party with him.

  3. Trumps brain rot must be from the crap he uses to dye his hair. Just like the peroxide blondes of Fox ‘news’ who have the same brain rot. -Rj

    1. And we know Trump has a thing for blondes... that explains Vance in the wig.
