
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Women: The Republican Problem

 We're going to have another nice day.  Temps in the low to mid 80s (F), mostly blue skies, and a light breeze are predicted.  Yesterday was gorgeous.  I hung out 2 loads of laundry and they dried fast.  Temps are supposed to begin climbing as the week continues, but no day in the mid to upper 90s (F) are expected.  

I've also started looking at the long range forecasts.  My trip to Greece is only a few weeks away, and temperature was one of the things that came into play when I made my reservationist.  The country can get very hot there in the summer, and I didn't want to be climbing through different archeological sites sweating my cojones off.  I'm figuring that the weather should be nicely warm when I'm there.

Yesterday was a good day for getting things done.  I mowed my lawn!  Went on a 9 mile bike ride.  Wrote lots of pages.  These are all good things.  I do have to go to work today, but only for 5 hours.  I've changed my availability for when I get back.  I'm going to be working less hours, only 1 eight hour day, that'll be Sunday.

I saw this and thought it very appropriate.

A number of Christians, the Evangelical sect comes to mind, do believe that God sent the Orange Anus specifically to overturn Roe v Wade.  They hate the idea that a woman should have a choice over what's happening in her body, they prefer women to be vessels.  This is a bit ironic because many Evangelical women have only allowed their body to be a vessel a few times.  Even more ironic is the fact that this Bobo Supreme Court, when overturning Roe v Wade, said that states should have the right to decide on this issue, not the Federal Government.  Because of this many women and men have started collecting signatures.  They want to enshrine a woman's right to an abortion, should she feel the need for one, in their states constitution.  Five states have already passed this initiative, including Ruby Red Ohio, where the conservatives are flipping angry as Hell because Americans told them to shut.  As of yesterday, 8 more states have qualified this same initiative to be on the ballot, including Republican held Missouri, and Ronnie DeSantis' red state, Florida.  In every state where these initiatives have passed, Democrats have also beaten Republican candidates by a large margin.  Ouch!  This is not what the Alito court wanted.  It's not what Republicans want.  Women are not going to be subservient to their wishes.  Republicans have a very large problem, and they simply refuse to understand.


  1. Love that Meme, so appropriate. Religions that have extreme beliefs and fanatics do seem to gravitate to Devils don't they? I find it ironic. If every Woman Voted out all the ReTrumplicans, it would remedy our Gender loss of Freedoms... just sayin'. Some Women stupidly are part of their own Problem instead of being part of the Solution to give themselves a Voice and actual Freedom and Rights they deserve... that everyone deserves. Women's Rights are Human Rights and the hijacked Party is trying so hard to take the Rights away from everyone they feel some kind of way about and are fearful of.

    1. They're trying to turn back the clock to the 1950s because, in their minds, that's when white men ruled and women knew their place.

  2. After the vote It would be interesting to see the statistics of how women voted. I leave on vacay tomorrow.

    1. Enjoy. They are going to add tremendously to the landslide.

  3. I think your planning sounds quite sound. Greece does get very hot in the summer. My one friend who lived there told me that during the summer, he came to the states. LOL

    And the Repugs may have not calculated well the whole R. V. W debacle: some fundie women do want to be trad wives and live with an apron around their waists and a baby following them around for twenty years. But most do not. In every stump speech Kamala has given, that's one of the first things she talks about: she'll restore R.V.W.
    You know the fundies and the Repugs love control. And not the Janet Jackson kind.


    1. She's also going to fix the Supreme Court, since they're a big part of the problem.

  4. And the repubs will dig themselves deeper into their self made shit hole. They’ll never give up on their sick and unpopular cultural wars, a war they proclaimed and nobody came ! Their states rights bs is biting them on their asses, now they cry for federal mandates, hypocrites all. -Rj

    1. Correct-a-mundo. They can't stop to question their actions, they're not that smart.

  5. The GOP thinks they can win on No Choice.

  6. I was just looking on the Explore website (at the Indian trips). Is your trip the Peloponnese Explorer? It looks lovely, if so, and just what you might need for your book!

    1. That's the one I'm signed up for, and my suitcase is reading for packing!

  7. That’s a great tour of modern Greece and ancient Hellas.
    The sites and museums of Delphi, Olympia and Sparta are a must see, as is the incredible Acropolis Museum in Athens and the Corinth Canal. Plenty of great street food, charming Greek tavernas and vineyards to try out.
    Save room for souvenirs. -Rj

    1. I'm taking one piece of luggage and a pack, the pack will be empty on the way over and most like filled on the way home.
