
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Trump Believes Screwing Over America is a Win

 Outside, the temperature is a comfy 69 (F).  The sky is clear.  Our high today will only be in the low 80s (F), which is doable.  Humidity is supposed to be down.  And, right outside my window a squirrel is climbing up the river birch.  His peaceful existence is going to be shattered when I get the puppy.

We are still under a "boil your water," emergency, but my water pressure is back up to where it had been.  The reason for the drop?  A very large water main began leaking.  Intensifying the problem was the fact that PA American Water didn't know where the leak was, so they shut down the entire system, which effected 42,000 people.  Once they determined the leak wasn't in your area, they turned the water back on, so I came home to full water pressure.  And things get better!  When the water in my basement went down, the LED on my water heater was flashing an error message: there was a problem with the pilot light system, perhaps because it had been under water.  Well, it's back to normal.  I have hot water!  So I guess all it needed to do was dry out.

Work was... okay.  I got a measure for blind and a lead for interior shutters.  I also hit my sales goal for the week.  Management should be very happy!

I did have to leave a note for HR.  They scheduled me to work on the day I leave for Greece.  Now, how silly is that.

And last night this happened:

Another packed rally, this one in Las Vegas!  I watched Walz's speech.  That man was fired up, and hitting all of the right buttons. 

One of the things the Harris/Walz campaign is doing is working with America's union groups.  That hasn't happened in a long time, at least not to this extent!  If you didn't know it, that burns the hell out of self-serving conservatives who are focused on one thing, their own greed.  

I saw that Trump has no rallies scheduled for the next 2 weeks.  Someone said it's because they have no money.  No money?  Oh, that's right, many of the dollars given to his campaign have be repurposed to pay his legal debts.  At least that's one of the reasons they're being siphoned off.  I'm better another is to line his pockets.  The whole family is in on the theft, and the grift.  

People are also talking about how quietly odd his campaign seems to be.  Is it because of some serious cognitive decline, they wonder?  Or does he feel he really doesn't have to campaign because he thinks he's going to steal the election?  That I don't think is true.  The Orange Anus is really not that smart.  His history of suing everyone who objects to him, or whom he thinks is standing in his way proves, he has no idea how to use blunt force trauma.  He is not a sly old fox.  He does, however, get great satisfaction in believing he's screwed you over.  Let's be honest, we have no idea how many secret documents he may have copied and sold.  We have no idea how many countries, like Egypt, sent him $10 million dollars.  In Trump's mind, everyone of those shitty deals is a win.  For his ego, it has always been about "The Art of the Deal."  He's never been loyal to America, and like all of those bankruptcies in his past, his demented mind may have already decided that screwing over the country is more satisfying than winning the election.  Besides, he's more concerned about getting sentenced to jail in September.


  1. For Trump and his ilk, money is everything. Maybe some city venues know full well Trump either doesn’t pay up or sues not to pay for their use, hence no planned rallies for now.
    On a positive note, Harris and Walz are energizing the whole country.:)

    1. My understanding is that the two weeks off are the result of his brain splintering in anger. He needs the largest crowds, and that's not even close to happening. The only ones showing up for him are the purebred cultists, and there not enough of them to win him an election.

  2. Glad you got your water sorted. When my hot water was out for about two weeks I managed with cold water showers (mind you, this was in March) but it really did bring home to me how "soft" we have become over the years - not that I'd want to go back to those times either though!

  3. The cold water didn't bother me, it was the fact that I had hardly any water pressure that was the issue. Once that came back everything was fine, and the water heater not being broken was like the icing on the cake.

  4. When my mother called and told me about the water issue I couldn't it. She said you picked a good weekend to go away. Glad to hear all is better with you and your home came through Dave. No issues here at the Casa. other then the water being off.
