
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Two Weeks until Greece

 Well, I hope everyone is having a nice Saturday!  Our clouds are going to be overcast today, with temps in the low 80s (F).  Showers, and the occasional thunderstorm, are possible.  Since I work today, this weather pattern doesn't bother me in the least.  

Since schools in the are start up next week, I'm not expecting the store to be busy.  Families that are shopping are looking for supplies.  Our school supplies were basically packaging materials so parents can celebrate "box you kid's stuff up and send him off to college day."  I'm sure we sold some boxes, but that was not a super draw.  We sell enough boxes and packing tape as it is.  When I went to college I moved myself in and I used large garbage bags to move my clothing, of course, that was 45 years ago and no one had figured out the boxes and totes were going to turn into such a lucrative business.

My nephew got married yesterday.  It was nice wedding, outside, but breezy enough you didn't realize the temps were in the low 90s (F).  I stayed two hours, got to talk to my brother and sister.  We don't get together that often, though I see him far more often then I see her.  It was a bit odd, honestly.  I kept wondering how they both got so old, while I feel so young?  Neither of them is as active as I am.  Maybe that's part of it.

And 2 weeks from today I'll be leaving for:

I have to admit this is such an odd experience because I have no reference point in my life to gauge this trip.  Sure, I went to France, but I was younger than.  I also picked out my own itinerary.  I went where I wanted, when I wanted.  This will be with a small group, between 7 - 16 people, and we'll have our own tour guide.  Being somewhat organized, I like to know specifics and all I really know is that when I arrive in Athens someone will be waiting for me waving a small sign.  How freaking awesome is that?

Also, yesterday, Kamala talked about some of the economic measures she was going to do after she wins in November.  One of the items on her list was price gouging and Tommy Tuberville, a Republican failure, was quick to attack that item by saying "we will protect price gouging."  You simply can't make this shit up.

One of the things that's most evident about having a younger presidential candidate, is that Harris's team is way more savvy in their trolling techniques than the Orange Anus, and his crowd of flunkies.  This is because everyone on Orangie's team was chosen, not for their smarts, but rather for their loyalty.  They are incompetent "Yes Men," who are dumber than bricks.


  1. Tuberville makes Boebert look like a member of Mensa ... albeit a dick-grabbing criminal member of Mensa.

    1. Their desperation shows how truly inane this party is.

  2. Greece is going to be a trip of a lifetime! I'm jealous. :) Seriously, though, you're going to have so much fun!

  3. Years ago I always did my own thing on trips too, but eventually I realized I was probably missing out on great places only the locals know about. Now I'm happy to let someone else do all the organizing and worrying! You'll have a wonderful time. Can't wait to see the photos!

    1. I've always done things on my own, so this is different, and I have no idea what to expect.
