
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Pounded and Trounced

 The forecast for today is bountiful sunshine!  Their words, not mind.  Temps are supposed to climb into the high 80s (F), though yesterday they hit the low 90s (F), with little to no clouds in the sky.  This is a good thing.  I've some yardwork planned for this afternoon.  The front rosebushes need a drastic trimming.

I did get a 2.5 mile walk in yesterday, my only problem being dog people.  A lot of people like to walk their dogs at Adams Ricci, many by themselves, but there are dog groups.  I ran into one yesterday, and as I approached one of the women reigned in her dog saying, "come here, some people don't like dogs."  Of course, that couldn't be farther from the truth, however I don't like it when a group of 5 people with big dogs block the path.  And, just like me, there are a lot of people either walking or running in the park who were inconvenienced.  True, it's a public park, but consideration needs to be shown by all.  The second time I approached them, knowing they were going to continue blocking the path, I changed my route, as did other people.

And work yesterday was me getting paid to sit at the flooring desk.  I did have a brief discussion with a fellow associate about an article I'd read in Forbes (he'd read a similar article in another periodical) on how the large, orange home improvement retailer was reducing their forecast because.  They're still using that tired excuse that because so many people made home improvements during Covid, they're not interested in making them now.  That's not true.  People are just tired of retail price gauging.  What's sadly amusing about this, is that customers know this is going on, no matter how much retailers try, there's no pulling the wool over shopper's eyes.  People around the world are really fed up with corporate greed.

And then there's this:

Here's the source if you want a more accurate breakdown.  Ouchy, ouchy, ouchy!  Over 303,000 Democrats voted, with over 94% voting for Amy Klobuchar, while only 74,656 Republicans voted.  The Republicans had 2 ballot initiatives aimed at making it more difficult to vote and both were trounced.

The Orange Anus had some sort of teeny, weeny, not quite a rally, definitely not a town hall, hug-in last night for around 2400 people in Ashville, NC.  It was supposed to be about his economic policies, you know?  Like, it's time for another tax break for the rich?  Except, as is now always the case, it devolved into personal attacks.  That's how it's being reported by a number of media outlets, but not all.  I don't know what the NYT said, but as a news outlet, they've become irrelevant.  The only thing Donnie Dementia didn't do after yesterday's bitch session was brag about his crowd size.  That alone must hurt him like Hell.

And 2 complaints have been filed in regard to the Trump/Musk chatfest the other night.  One is that because Musk gave Trump airtime and chatted about the election, he broke campaign finance rules since that expensive conversation is considered a campaign donation.  Not that either of them gives a shit.


  1. I have been increasing my walking. I set my goal for 3 miles a day ( about an hour). I am averaging more like 5 miles though.

    1. Good for you! That's great! I love walking!

  2. I am a big fan of the doggos but some people need to do a better job with their pets. It is like that here at our parks. I hope we have reached the apex of corporate greed but they will probably find another way to fill their pockets while giving us less.

    1. The fact that she tried to guilt me into feeling bad was ridiculous. And I know about corporate greed, I work the great, orange, home improvement retailer, one of the greedy corporations.

  3. The Felon's crowd sizes, or lack thereof, will lead to bigger meltdowns and I live for it.

    Go Wisconsin!! Now, America follow suit.

    1. You can be he desperately needed his 2 hour press conference this afternoon... wait until he finds out CNN cut away after they realized he was singing his one hit wonder for the millionth time.

  4. Ohhh that should hurt their ego.
    You know the Repugs do not have policy, they only have lies and grievances. And that with the MSM not even running Kamala's rallies. But they run to catch every word DonOld says... Idiots.

    And when you said 'pounding' I was hopeful for a hot second ...

    1. Republicans so desperately want to be in charge, but when they are, they become the do nothing party.

      Hopeful? never

  5. I've always liked dogs but I do not like being jumped up at by them. Sadly my friend's dogs were terrible for that. I mean, who wants dirty paw marks all over you from a dog that is not your own??

    1. I don't like that either, and I'm pleased to say that none of mine ever did that.
