
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Isn't that Nice?

 When I got up this morning, the outside temp was 54 (F).  Nice sleeping weather.  In fact, the forecast is full sunshine ahead of the next week and a half, not that I trust long range forecasts.  They're rarely correct.

Yesterday I got some things done around the house.  Several loads of laundry were done, a little work on the kitchen floor, some writing.  I did get in a 11 mile ride on the bike, but no walk.  The walk will happen this morning.

For those interested, I did begin packing... sort of.  I stored about 40 lens cleaners in a little pouch in my pack.  I also shoved my newly purchased rain poncho into one of the side pouches, but decided against that after seeing how bulky it made the pack.  It will go in the one piece of luggage I have, leaving the pack (as intended) mostly for souvenirs.  That's what I did when I went to Paris, took a bag with clothing and another for souvenirs.

And this happened last evening.

According the Washington Post, the Democratic National Convention was a ratings powerhouse!  That alone must have pissed the hell out of Orangie the asshole.  They also said she has put him into a box he's struggling to get out of.  Now, isn't that nice?  He has always been terrible at Defense.  He has always been on the offense.  He had a serious meltdown last night, at one point posting the single comment:  "Where is Hunter?"  Yes, I know, that makes no sense at all.  At one point, he called into Fox Entertainment, and, after giving him a polite amount of time, they cut him off, forcing him to call Newsmax.  He knows the Democrat's convention knocked the socks off the ratings dial.  Now, isn't that nice?

There was a lot of buzz about a secret guest showing up, and rumors flew thick and heavy that it was going to be Beyonce.  I don't doubt that those rumors got people to turn in, though let's be honest, Beyonce would have stolen some of last night's fire.  The special guest was Leon Ponetta, who came down hard on Trump.

Adam Kinzinger, one of many Republicans speaking at the convention, gave a strong speech about patriotism and democracy.  While many thought he was there to convince Republicans to vote for Harris, I don't doubt that his presence was a flaming arrow into the heart of Trump, and those Republicans who've sold him their souls.  

And Harris's speech?  It was amazing (yes, I stayed up and watched it).  She had some great lines, including one in which she told America why tyrants and dictators wanted Trump to win:  "they know how easy he is to manipulate." There.  Now isn't that nice?


  1. Kamala rocked the house; and nice to see Republicans standing up for country over party.

    1. Rocked is an understatement. Trump's meltdown was monumental!

  2. Kamala and Walz are now riding the crest of the blue wave, now we have to vote blue and bring them back safely to shore and on to the task of leading our nation to the greater good for all . :)

    1. For the first time in years, I feel good! Thinking all they had to do was say "shut up, we're in charge," the Republican party has become barely 2 dimensional.
