
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Packed... almost...

 Well, it's 69 (F) outside and the skies are overcast.  Purportedly, they're supposed to clear up and it's supposed to be partially sunny for my flight to Philly.  However, (isn't there always an however?) there is the threat of thunderstorms.  

Yesterday I got some stuff accomplished, like cleaning the aquarium in the living room, and packing, mostly what it seems I did was eat.  Nervousness, perhaps?  Possibly.  I tried the online check-in and that didn't work.  After I filled in all of the pertinent information and hit "enter," it took me back to the main screen where, other than print off a boarding pass, there were other things that I could do... like pay an additional $132  for a seat.  For those of you who don't know, I have little legs.  My inseam is 29 inches (buying pants is a nightmare).  I'm all torso.  So, upgrading for an additional 6 inches of legroom is not an essential.

I talked to my movie buddy Patty last evening, she's going to be feeding the fish.  I was going to let my neighbor from across the street handle that chore, but... well, I've known Patty for 15 years and I feel more comfortable with her in my house.  I'm sure a lot of you know what I mean.

And for those curious few out there who need to know... I am packed... almost.  That means everything that needs to be in the suitcase is in the suitcase.  So tell me, can you guess what one of my favorite colors is?

I find it fascinating that so many pundits are upset that when Dana Bash asked Kamala Harris about Trump's comment about her turning black Harris simply said "same old shit" (my version).  Instead of creating drama they could attempt to articulate about, she simply moved on.  And evidently the MSM is frustrated that soooo many people are turning to independent news sources to get their information because these people, like Harris, have simply moved on.  No one wants to hear once reputable journalists opining in a way that satisfies the billionaire owners of the NYT, the Washington Post, CNN, and NPR.  Both the Guardian and Reuters also provide fairly decent reporting, but then they're European and have no problem being critical in regard to American politics, no matter which party is involved.

And Elon got shut down in Brazil.  I'm betting the fact that someone told him to shut-up has him stamping his feet ferociously.  We all need more balls when dealing with billionaires, otherwise they will run rampant and ruin everything.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Trump's Russian Asset

 Well, we had rain last night.  Thunderstorms.  Rain is predicted on and off for most of the morning.  Humidity is supposed to be high.  Those individuals who predict the weather are forecasting thunderstorms for late tomorrow afternoon.  Just what I'm looking for, some air turbulence on my flight down to Philly.

My last window is getting installed as I type.  The woman at Aspen told me they'd try and have it installed before I left, however, there was no communication until around 0715 when my doorbell rang.  Surprise!  Their communication skills have definitely been lacking professionalism.  Because no one sent him pictures, he, or one of the other installers, will need to come back after I get back from Greece to finish the exterior portion because they're going to need to set up ladders.  Their lack of organizational skills is disappointing.

Yesterday, I did very little other than to run to my local Giant supermarket to pick up some sunscreen.  I've let most of my perishables run out since I don't want to return home to find my refrigerator's become a storage unit for various mold cultures.  

Update on the windows:  A 2nd installer has arrived on the scene.  I guess they don't want to make a 2nd trip.  It's at their expense, isn't it?  Perhaps they're concerned that I might complain about their piss-poor planning.

My flight to Greece should take a little over 9 hours, and flying east means I'll arrive on Sunday, September 1st.  Using the app sent me, it looks like it'll be sunny and warm.

Of course, the long awaited Harris / Walz interview was on CNN last night.  The Orange Anus claimed it was boring, mostly, I don't doubt, because there was nothing in it that he could exploit.  From what I'm seeing, most the questions asked by Dana Bash seemed geared to get reactions from the candidates regarding Orangie, like the one about Trump saying Harris just turned black.  Pundits were looking for a gotcha moment, and Harris had one.  She basically looked at Bash and said "Gotcha!"

There were bait questions that didn't get a bite.  Ouch.  

In an attempt to provide counter-programming, Orangie had some sort of weird townhall to introduce Tulsi Gabbard to his campaign.  She once claimed to be a Democrat, but when the Democrats refused to play by Putin's rules, she left the party.  The fact that another Russian asset has joined the Trump campaign is not being lost on anyone.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Trump's Getaway Fund

 Okay, so the outside temp is 76 (F).  It is humid.  There is the possibility of thunderstorms this afternoon, but then we had the same possibility yesterday, and nothing.  No rain.  Tomorrow?  Forecasters are calling for showers.

Yesterday, work was meh.  I did hit my sales goal for the week, but that's all that happened.  Our Halloween display is just about complete.  One thing noticeably missing is the inflatables.  Halloween is supposed to be scary and let's face it, blow-up monsters just aren't scary.

All of my chargers are lined up and ready to be packed, not that I have that many, just my phone and my watch.  I bought myself an adapter that lets me plug in my laptop while letting me charge them at the same time.  This should be easy, peasy.  Also, since I've set myself up for international calling, later this afternoon I'm going to add the calling code to those numbers I'm going to be texting pictures to.  I also want to check out a map of the Philadelphia airport to locate terminals A and F, since I'm going to be traveling between the two both going and coming.

I watched Wicked Little Letters last evening.  It was a fun movie.  You might want to call it a mystery, comedy, drama.  Someone is sending obscene letters to different people in the town.  There's no nudity, but the language?  Obscenely funny.

And is it me, or does it seem like a day doesn't pass during which the Orange Anus manages to get bad press?  Take the Arlington Cemetery incident, for example.  Putting a wreath at the grave of a recently deceased war hero might be seen as decent and honorable, if only Orangie hadn't called those who died fighting for our country, losers and suckers.  He's mocked and derided Gold Star Families, and then he tries to turn their grief into a photo op.  I saw this morning that his team is trying to backtrack on that piece of stupidity.  Someone should tell him, it's already too late.

And then next week Orangie is hosting a gala at Bedminster as a purported fund raiser to pay for legal fees of his January 6 conspirators.  Yeah, I know, Stupidity, thy name is Trump.  Supposedly, he's trying to raise $1 million to help pay for their defense.  Personally, I suspect most of the proceeds will end up going into his "Getaway Fund."  In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if he has quite the nest egg saved up to cover his relocation expenses.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Today is supposed to be a real stinker.  If the guys predicting the weather are correct, our temps should top off at 99 (F).  That's toasty.  Keep in mind, Pennsylvania is one of the Middle Atlantic states, so we're a little over halfway up the eastern seaboard.  I'm sure those states south of us are toastier.

I got a lot done yesterday, including a 10 mile ride along the Han river in South Korea.  I found it boring, so I'll not ride there again.  Three loads of laundry were washed and hung out to dry.  Today is sheet day, and they, too, are now out drying.  The high heat will evaporate the water fast.

One thing I don't like about this time of year is the gnats.  I don't know if it's because I'm so close to the river or what, but they are always worse towards the end of summer.  And me?  I'm a gnat buffet.  Interestingly enough, not at the park, even when I walk the nature trail.  Anyway, I wear a pair of sweatpants when I'm either hanging up laundry or doing yard work to keep my legs from getting chewed to pieces.

And, this might come as a surprise, but I'm thinking of dismantling my treadmill and getting rid of it.  Of course, I've thought of doing this before and didn't.  We shall have to wait and see.

Of course, there is this:

And yes, I have begun gathering things together to start packing.

And Orangie the angry anus was once again indicted yesterday for his coup attempt on January 6.  And he's fuming (there, didn't I put it nicely?).  In fact, for those who are old enough to remember, the entire GOP is squealing like Mr. Bill, "no, no, no, no!"  Jack Smith's review of Justice Eileen Cannon's opinions was scathing, saying things like she "failed to grasp the simply grammar," and "had a total disregard for history."  But then, she is a Trump loyalist.  He didn't call her a traitor to Democracy, but that underlying message was quite obvious.

Perhaps the biggest surprise yesterday was that there will be a debate.  Rats!  I'll in Greece if it happens.  There will be no open mics.  This is going to be a big problem for Orangie's campaign.  Harris is going to call him on every he says.  Hopefully, America will get the chance to hear her say, "Well, that's a lie," or possibly, "Well, that was one long rambling word salad."  It will, if Orangie shows up, give him what he loves so much, great numbers.  Millions will probably tune in hoping to see him storm off stage.  This is why I think that at the last possible moment he will develop laryngitis.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Americans are Fed Up

 We're under a heat advisory for the next 2 days.  Today's high is supposed to be in the low 90s (F), and tomorrow's, if they're correct, should hit 98 (F).  The Central Air did kick on yesterday, and I don't doubt it will kick on today.  That's fine.

This warm weather quickens the drying time for my laundry; the moisture is evaporating from my first load as I type.  How late into the fall I go with the drying rack is anybody's guess.  When I was a child, my mom hung clothing out to dry year-round.  She also had a wringer washer, which didn't wring out as much water as people thought.  Those were the days when everything need to be ironed.  That was housework.  Women who complain about doing housework today really have no idea what life was like 60 years ago.

I was talking to my neighbor yesterday morning, and she was complaining.  They've discovered that their going to need a new roof (this is why you pay for the home inspection before buying a house.)  I feel bad for them, but at the same time I don't.  Her son's a freshman at Temple University, and depending upon how this year goes for him, they might sell the house and move, at least that's what she implied.  Oh, and when I suggested she might want to get a part-time job now that her daughter was in school she told told me she couldn't because she liked to... and she put her thumb and forefinger together in front of her mouth and toked on an invisible joint.  That's right, she's a pot head.  (Can you hear me laughing?)

And Halloween came to work yesterday.  The orange rolling gates blocking it off from the public are essential because some customers will randomly open a box.  People get really excited about Halloween decorations.  Oh, and that's only about half of it.

Orangie's team is throwing a great big shit fit about open mics at his scheduled debate with Harris.  They know their loser too well.  Two of his many serious problems are keeping his mouth shut, and letting his diarrhea mouth run off point.  His team also knows that Harris, being as former prosecutor will have no problem shutting him down.  Let's be perfectly honest, they're looking for a reason to backout.  Things were different when they thought he was going to stay on top, when they believed Americans would have not problem listening to him ramble inanities, but things have change.  They had zero plans for the Democrats to fire back at them, to scoring lots of points with so many Americans who are simply fed up with the "Just Say No," and "Shut up, I'm in Charge," party.  To be blunt, a large majority of Americans are sick and tired of Donald Fucking Trump.  

Monday, August 26, 2024


 Well, it's Monday.  Outside it's 68 (F).  That's not the best sleeping temp, but it's not bad.  It will be deteriorating (getting warmer) during the week as a mini-heatwave rushes past us.  Then, we fall back into more seasonal temps.

In comparison, the temp right now in Athens is 91 (F), and in Delphi 77 (F).  Delphi, contrary to what many may believe is halfway up Mount Parnassus.  It gets cold there in the winter.  In fact, there's a ski resort a few miles away.  Isn't that fascinating.  All of my life I thought Greece, being in the Mediterranean, was more tropical than anything else.  And they still wore togas when it was cold, though they were thick.  This is because the wearing pants was considered effeminate.  My, how things change.

I should have provided more information about my neighbor before yesterday's post, she is not your average stay-at-home mom and mother.  They are from Lancaster, about 45 minutes away, and because that's where her mom lives, she doesn't talk to anyone in the neighborhood.  If she's outside and I go out to do lawn work, she goes back into their house.  She and I doo talk occasionally, and she told me once that she thinks everyone is staring at her, (no one cares).  Instead of taking the garbage out and putting it in the trash bin, she throws the garbage bags out the back door and lets her husband put them in their garbage cans.  The wall separating our houses is poorly soundproofed, so I can tell you she needs the power naps because she stays up late watching TV.  Tammy, my neighbor across the street, has told me on more than one occasion that she's just "freakin' weird," though she didn't use the word freak.

Anyway, people keep asking me if I've started packing.  The answer's yes.

And... drum roll please....  The Orange Anus ranted this morning about ABC news dropping the first substantial hint that he's not going to debate Harris.  A gutless sack of shit, he is.  For anyone out there who didn't expect this, well, he has some golden sneakers he wants to sell you, or perhaps you might be interested in a couple of courses at Trump University... oh, wait, that's now defunct. In fact, he got sued because Trump University was a fraud, just another scam for him.

There's also an interesting bit in Axios this morning regarding those wealthy individuals who've handed over large sums of cash to the moral degenerate hoping to get on his good side.  The stupidity of these people simply amazes me, Trump has no good side.  And these people who so easily parted with their cash are now wondering just where all of those millions went? Just because you have money, doesn't mean you can't be dumb as a brick. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Honeymoon is not going away

 Morning Temp? 65 (F).  The summer left-overs have arrived, at least until Wednesday.  Each day is going to be a tad warmer until we top off at 98 (F), then our daily highs are going to drop back into the mid to upper 70s (F).  Humidity is also on the rise, so this morning's a bit clammy, though clams are usually wet, not sticky.

I went into work yesterday and was surprised to see that I had racked up over $15,000 in sales during the 2 days I was off.  Since I didn't have any installs even close to that amount, I checked my sales details.  Shutters.  About 2 weeks ago I'd set up an appointment between a customer and our Rockwell Shutter expert.  The customer bought $10,000 worth of interior shutters.  Wowza!

The sneakers I ordered arrived yesterday.  The soles are baby blue. Aahhh!  I'm not really a baby blue person, though I don't think I'll have much of a problem since I'll be walking on the blue.  Of course, the soles going to look quite crappy once they get dirty.

My new neighbor's son left for college yesterday, he's going to Temple University in Philadelphia, not a bad school.  Their daughter, in her early teens, just started junior high.  So, I was surprised when my neighbor told me this meant she was going to be an empty nester.  I'm fairly certain she doesn't know what an empty nester is.  Just like the time she told me that she needed to take power naps.  She's a stay-at-home mom whose only job is housework, though I guess with one teenager at home and the other in college, that can be exhausting.

Today is Sunday, that means it's going to be a slow day for news, though there was this during the past week.

Carville's kind of been a bit wishy washy here of late, especially with Harris getting the nomination, though this statement hits the nail right on the head.  Since Harris's announcement, her campaign has raised almost half a billion dollars.  Over 200,000 people have volunteered to help fight the MAGA cultists.  The defection of Kennedy to Trump's campaign had zero effect; voters did not follow his lead.  You can see the Republican energy levels dropping.  Project 2025 has been renamed a third time to something like The 180 Day Plan.  Success for Trump, while once thought to be guaranteed, might now be a lost cause.  This means they will cheat, any and everyway they can.  The Republican inability to understand America is matched by their inability to understand the Biden government.  They rely on a stupidity similar to that of their MAGA cultists.  The cheaters will be caught and prosecuted.  Trump will lose because he, like the GOP, are thinking like it's still the 1950s.  Many Republicans believe he'll win because a majority of Americans will vote for the male candidate, rather than the one most qualified.  Will he lose by a landslide?  That possibility is beginning to look more and more like a reality.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Countdown Begins

 So, it's 58 (F) outside and the temps are predicted to climb into the mid 80s (F).  By Wednesday, the forecast is temps in the mid to upper 90s (F).  See?  I told you summer wasn't over.

Retailers, however, don't have a very good handle on the seasons, mostly because their focus is on selling shit merchandise, and for them seasonal translates to holiday sales.  This means that all of fans and A/C units are being bundled up and stored in the overhead racking in order to make room for the Halloween display, which will be set-up at the beginning of the week.  And, in case you're wondering, people will start buying that Halloween shit merchandise the instant it's on display.  Last year we had some guy loudly pissing and moaning complaining because our website advertised this ragged, little dwarf  skeleton and our display team hadn't unpacked it yet.  Seriously, he was very loud, shrieking about false advertising.  And then he stood glowering, and whining about how long it was taking to find the box so we could unpack it and sell him his ragged, little dwarf skeleton.  The only thing he was missing was a MAGA hat.

Much was accomplished yesterday:  the lawn mowed, 2 loads of laundry washed and hung out to dry, a 3.25 mile walk in the park.  Nothing was packed, though I did spend a few seconds looking at my suitcase.  The pack I bought has many little pouches, so today I will probably store my extra charges in one of them.  I did download an app from a link sent me regarding my itinerary.  It's quite informative, with lots of juicy information, including the weather in Greece.  Currently, they're temps are about about the same as those here in Central PA,  During the height of the summer, their temps are closer to those in Tampa, FL.

The 7 day countdown begins today.

And I don't think there's anything that can quite compare to the stupidity of Republicans.  James Comer, in an attempt to disparage Walz, said that "Minnesota is not your normal state...they have a huge population of residents who come from other countries and have very different ideologies that don't really respect capitalism."  That's right, Jimmy Comer just insulted the entire voting population of Minnesota.  You cannot make this shit stuff up.  Or, perhaps what he was trying to say is that Minnesotans do not embrace the Republican values of selfishness and greed.

For those who didn't know, RFK jr now supports Trump.  This is because Trump promised him he could run the Environmental Protection Agency.  It's illegal to promise someone an position in order to get their support.  Orangie tried to create a big "to do" about Kennedy switching his allegiance from the Democrats to the Republicans.  Mostly, the Democrats either yawned or made jokes about Kennedy's brain worm.  Orangie didn't mention that the entire Kennedy clan has come out in support of Harris, or that Kennedy's supporters were Republicans, not Democrats.  Ouch.  

Friday, August 23, 2024

Isn't that Nice?

 When I got up this morning, the outside temp was 54 (F).  Nice sleeping weather.  In fact, the forecast is full sunshine ahead of the next week and a half, not that I trust long range forecasts.  They're rarely correct.

Yesterday I got some things done around the house.  Several loads of laundry were done, a little work on the kitchen floor, some writing.  I did get in a 11 mile ride on the bike, but no walk.  The walk will happen this morning.

For those interested, I did begin packing... sort of.  I stored about 40 lens cleaners in a little pouch in my pack.  I also shoved my newly purchased rain poncho into one of the side pouches, but decided against that after seeing how bulky it made the pack.  It will go in the one piece of luggage I have, leaving the pack (as intended) mostly for souvenirs.  That's what I did when I went to Paris, took a bag with clothing and another for souvenirs.

And this happened last evening.

According the Washington Post, the Democratic National Convention was a ratings powerhouse!  That alone must have pissed the hell out of Orangie the asshole.  They also said she has put him into a box he's struggling to get out of.  Now, isn't that nice?  He has always been terrible at Defense.  He has always been on the offense.  He had a serious meltdown last night, at one point posting the single comment:  "Where is Hunter?"  Yes, I know, that makes no sense at all.  At one point, he called into Fox Entertainment, and, after giving him a polite amount of time, they cut him off, forcing him to call Newsmax.  He knows the Democrat's convention knocked the socks off the ratings dial.  Now, isn't that nice?

There was a lot of buzz about a secret guest showing up, and rumors flew thick and heavy that it was going to be Beyonce.  I don't doubt that those rumors got people to turn in, though let's be honest, Beyonce would have stolen some of last night's fire.  The special guest was Leon Ponetta, who came down hard on Trump.

Adam Kinzinger, one of many Republicans speaking at the convention, gave a strong speech about patriotism and democracy.  While many thought he was there to convince Republicans to vote for Harris, I don't doubt that his presence was a flaming arrow into the heart of Trump, and those Republicans who've sold him their souls.  

And Harris's speech?  It was amazing (yes, I stayed up and watched it).  She had some great lines, including one in which she told America why tyrants and dictators wanted Trump to win:  "they know how easy he is to manipulate." There.  Now isn't that nice?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Torching Republicans

 It's 57 (F) outside and I'm wearing a sweat shirt and sweatpants.  Autumn wear.  Temps will be warming back up to more summer-like ranges, highs in the mid to upper 80s (F) as the week continues.  Right now, however, it was so cool I put another blanket on the bed.

I got some sad news yesterday, Joe Radle, the electrician I've been using for the past couple of years was killed in an auto accident.  One of the reasons I used him was because he advertised he was "pet friendly," and every time he was here, my dogs seemed more important than me.  He will be missed.

Work was boring.  No measures.  I did sell a pallet of porcelain tile.  Really, what I'm doing right now is counting the days until Greece.

I pre-ordered the new Assassin's Creed and the new Dragon Age games.  They won't be out until late October.  Assassin's Creed is set in Japan and you get to play as either a Samurai or some other character that's female.  I'll be the samurai.  That should be fun.

Of course, last night was Day 3 of the Democratic convention.  Have I been watching it?  Yes, but I watch it my way.  Around 10:30 PM, I turn it off, then the next morning I watch the important speeches on YouTube.  

While I like Bill Clinton, last night I thought he talked for too long.  And Nancy Pelosi?  I was scanning social media on my phone while she spoke.  Bill was important.  Nancy?  This will probably be her last public, official appearance.

Stevie Wonder was great!  

And during a rally yesterday in an attempt to steal away some of the convention's thunder, Orangie Anus, upon seeing a woman suffering a medical emergency, left the safety of his bulletproof glass booth and went to help.  Can you hear me laughing now?  Two weeks ago Tim Walz did something similar, handing out bottles of water to a woman who was showing signs of heat exhaustion.  Orangie must be very desperate to stoop to such phony theatrics.  Did his team truly think this was  going to make headlines?

Orangie's not the only one worried.  After a series of texts from a conservative friend, I can tell you that Conservatives are furious.  Running against Biden and his age was going to be a winning ticket for them.  They believe this election was going to be a cakewalk, and now those beliefs have been shattered.  Harris is filling up venues and Orangie is struggling.  His dearly beloved Project 2025 has gone through several name changes and is still getting roasted multiple times a day.  

The DNC is rocking the ratings!  The first night it beat the Republican convention by 21%.  Night 2 the DNC whipped the RNC by 55%.  Wowza!  Saying Republicans are furious might be a bit of an understatement.  This is a good thing.  The angrier they get, the more frequently their candidate will make mistakes.  Any day now, Orangie's switch will flip and his public meltdown will torch the Republican party for good.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mocking Trump

 We're off to a cool Wednesday with temps down into the upper 50s (F).  This is what they call good sleeping weather.  Our high today may be 74 (F), and I do mean maybe.  Yesterday forecasters had predicted a high in the low 70s (F) and that never happened.  Could it be that autumn weather is approaching us so soon?  Don't count on it.  

Honestly, I have to admit I cannot believe there are only 10 more days left in August.  I want to ask where has the summer gone?  So far it hasn't been a bad summer.  We've only had about a week or so of hot temps, though I do think it's been drier than the past 3 summers.  My lawn was brown, but Debby did my lawn and now it's green.  I'll give the verge another trim tomorrow.

As expected, I did very little yesterday, other than 3 loads of laundry.  

In The Body in History, the Eli and Max have just met Hermann Trigga in a chapter that's titled, appropriately enough, The Trigga Effect.  He is a real estate entrepreneur and his wife is a yoga instructor with her own YouTube channel.  They are a power couple who like to talk without saying much.  We all know people like this, who are so ever happy to talk and never seem to shut up.  They appear to be nice, perhaps a little to focused on their own endeavors, but appearances can be deceiving.  Could one of them be a cold blooded killer? 

One of the things I like about character creation is the way in which they evolve.  I start with a name, and as the story progresses personality traits develop.  They start thinking about the words they say, and how they appear.  Hermann is business casual.  He likes his slacks to have freshly pressed creases, a style he feels defines how sharp he is.

Of course, last night was the 2nd night of the Democratic Convention.  One word describes it best:  Wowza!

What wasn't there to love?  The musical roll call done to the beat of a DJ was rockin!  Even John McCain's bitter daughter posted how everybody in the arena was "having a blast."  Each state had it's own song!  You had Republicans on stage telling America why they were voting for Harris!  You had Michelle Obama, who some say gave a better speech than Barack. And, of course you had Barack himself.  I actually had the joy of seeing him speak live.  He is a dynamo!  One of the things he brought up was Trump's fixation on crowd size. That moment was special for 2 reasons, one being his hand gesture.  The other was that stunning moment when the screens in the arena simulcast a Harris rally happening at the same time in Milwaukee.   

That's right, 2 different arenas were filled to capacity, the one in Chicago where the convention is being held, and the other in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where another 15,000 were gathered to hear Kamala Harris.  That's 34,000 people simultaneously.  And it was done on purpose because the Orange Anus has problems filling up small arenas.  They publicly mocked Trump.  And it was wonderful, because Orangie, even in his wildest dreams, could never pull off something like that.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Joe Biden's 5 minutes

 The temps outside are a cool 63 (F), and so far the day is breeze with clouds scuttling across the sky.  The sun will popping out every now and then, which will be nice, so, weather wise the days should be fairly nice.

The first load of laundry is in the washer and will be hung out to dry shortly.

Yesterday, as expected, work was boring.  I did get a measure and sold one of my installations, but mostly I just sat around. Management was quite happy with my sales for last week and rewarded me with a $10 gift card to use in the store.  I could have gotten a card to use for fast food, but I don't eat it.  

And I'm planning on today being pretty much of a lazy day.  I do need to run to my neighborhood Giant supermarket to make a few purchases, and the gas tank of my car needs filled, but otherwise I'm not planning on doing to much, except possibly a bike ride this afternoon, and working on the new book.

Looking at my sneakers, I'm probably going to buy a new pair for Greece.  I own two pair, one being white, not a good color for trudging through archeological site, and the other navy blue, those being my work shoes.  They would be find, however, there is a tear on the right sneaker next to my small toe and it seems to grow larger every time I wear them, and my thought is that it would be rather amusing if that toe should pop out while trekking through Mycenae... well, maybe not.

I did watch the first night of the Democratic convention.

It was quite enjoyable.  I understand there was some whining because Biden didn't speak until late, that he should have been on during prime time.  Gee, I hate to tell those whiners, but he was on in primetime for the Central Time zone, and also Mountain Time, and primetime was just getting started in California.  We're a big country and his appearance was scheduled to maximize his exposure in all 48 states.

For those who missed it, Joe Biden received an almost 5 minutes standing ovation when he walked out onto the stage.

Orangie's already complaining.  He started a day ago, lying about his ratings, that his convention of Doom and Gloom had the greatest ratings ever.  The Democrats are going to send more cracks to splinter his fragile ego, concussing his neurons, trashing his transmitters, causing a serious seepage of unfettered lies to try and foil, and fail, as he flails in his attacks.  In other words, his meltdowns are now going to be accompanied with the percussive sounds of stomping feet.

One pundit noted that the Democrats have left behind "when they go low, we go high."  Not anymore, baby.  When Republicans go low, we're going to continue to slap them silly.


Monday, August 19, 2024

Torturing Donnie

The weather for today, Monday, here in Central PA is predicted to be cloudy, very cloudy, with occasional showers, with a high in the low 80s (F).  It's going to be a repeat of yesterday, though we did have at least 2 thunderstorms sweeping through the area.  they both dropped a substantial amount of rain in a short period of time.  They're predicting our temps for the rest of the week to be in the low to mid 70s (F).  That's fine.

I had a decent sales day yesterday.  Well, saying it was decent might just me being a bit modest since I had an $18,000 flooring sale go through.  That should make management happy.  My total sales for last week were around $29,000.  Because so many of my installs went through last week, my sales for this week will be weak.  That's okay.  

On thing I do wish people would stop asking me is "have you started to pack yet?"  So, just in case any of you would like to ask, the answer is no.  That won't start until the day before I leave.  This doesn't mean I have been preparing.  I've been taking pictures with the camera and sending them to my laptop for easy posting to my different accounts.  Luckily, if I post a picture to Threads, it automatically posts to my Instagram account, as well as to my Facebook account.  I am surprised that so many people are planning on vicariously going along with me to Greece.  One nice thing about this is that I won't need to bring back nearly as many souvenirs.  

And, of course, the Democratic Convention begins tonight.  I am nurturing a spark of interest, so I might end up watching some of it.  Tonight's Joe Biden's night.  There are a number of speakers scheduled, including Republicans.  They know the assignment.  Democracy for a win on November 5.

The Main Stream Media, believing they'll get more clicks if something goes awry, is hoping protestors get out of hand.  CNN was airing some sort of hogwash with "undecided delegates," because, even though Harris is guaranteed the nomination, they need to try and force some drama.  I don't know if Fox is covering the event, but you can bet that if they do, their views will be more jaundiced than the Orange Anus going through full blown liver failure.

And, speaking of Orangie, his paranoid dementia was boiling over yesterday, evidenced by the over 50 long comments he posted to his Truth Social account.  Now admit it, that does make your heart sparkle with joy.  And just to add more than a smidgen of salt to Orangie's wounded brain, projection artists spent the night decorating his Trump Tower in Chicago.\

I don't believe in torture... still, I never would have believe that torturing Donnie could be so much fun!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Rally in Wilkes Barre

 Holy Crap!  We're under a Flood Watch again.  More rain is in the forecast.  The clouds from yesterday are still hanging around overhead.  Temps got warmer yesterday then expected.  The approaching rain is going to drive them down.  I checked out the weather in Greece, and right now it's 94 (F).  It might cool off a few degrees by the time I arrive in 2 weeks, but not much.  But that will be better than walking around the ruins of Spart with the temps blazing in the low 100s (F).

Retail yesterday was boring.  I got a measure.  I talked to some people.  Mostly, I wasted time.  I did have a nice conversation with the store manager, about gaming, and people.  Later I was chatting with Cori, she's the artist who does my book covers and who has known him for as long as I, and we decided how nice it was having a manager whom we've both known for years.  There is a level of comfort many people will never understand.  Not that he's going to let us slide, he wouldn't be store manager if he allowed that to happen.

I ordered a lock for my suitcase.  Not a combination lock, either.  It's not that I have problems with remembering the combinations, it's just that they're so time consuming, having to line the right numbers up.  Honestly, I'd just rather turn a key.  That probably tells you something about how my mind works.  I'd have no problem with a fingerprint lock; just touch it and it opens.  The pack I bought has a combination lock.  The combination is 202, just in case any of you want to break into my pack. 😎😎😎

Orangie had a rally in Wilkes Barre.  For those of you who don't know, it's pronounced Wilks Barry.  The venue seats 9000, some said it was full, others said it was half full.  Most agree that about halfway through his standup routine people begin leaving.  Some say it's because they're expecting something fresh and new and get the same old, same old.  It must be disappointing as hell to see the rah, rah, rah of happiness and joy of a Harris rally, and then have to sit through Orangie's whining, doom and gloom bullshit.  Other's say it's because a large number are paid to be there, but only for so long, and once their payment hits their bank accounts they leave.  Anyway, The Guardian was not so nice to the former liar and thief.  I don't really think it makes much of a difference to this guy.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Two Weeks until Greece

 Well, I hope everyone is having a nice Saturday!  Our clouds are going to be overcast today, with temps in the low 80s (F).  Showers, and the occasional thunderstorm, are possible.  Since I work today, this weather pattern doesn't bother me in the least.  

Since schools in the are start up next week, I'm not expecting the store to be busy.  Families that are shopping are looking for supplies.  Our school supplies were basically packaging materials so parents can celebrate "box you kid's stuff up and send him off to college day."  I'm sure we sold some boxes, but that was not a super draw.  We sell enough boxes and packing tape as it is.  When I went to college I moved myself in and I used large garbage bags to move my clothing, of course, that was 45 years ago and no one had figured out the boxes and totes were going to turn into such a lucrative business.

My nephew got married yesterday.  It was nice wedding, outside, but breezy enough you didn't realize the temps were in the low 90s (F).  I stayed two hours, got to talk to my brother and sister.  We don't get together that often, though I see him far more often then I see her.  It was a bit odd, honestly.  I kept wondering how they both got so old, while I feel so young?  Neither of them is as active as I am.  Maybe that's part of it.

And 2 weeks from today I'll be leaving for:

I have to admit this is such an odd experience because I have no reference point in my life to gauge this trip.  Sure, I went to France, but I was younger than.  I also picked out my own itinerary.  I went where I wanted, when I wanted.  This will be with a small group, between 7 - 16 people, and we'll have our own tour guide.  Being somewhat organized, I like to know specifics and all I really know is that when I arrive in Athens someone will be waiting for me waving a small sign.  How freaking awesome is that?

Also, yesterday, Kamala talked about some of the economic measures she was going to do after she wins in November.  One of the items on her list was price gouging and Tommy Tuberville, a Republican failure, was quick to attack that item by saying "we will protect price gouging."  You simply can't make this shit up.

One of the things that's most evident about having a younger presidential candidate, is that Harris's team is way more savvy in their trolling techniques than the Orange Anus, and his crowd of flunkies.  This is because everyone on Orangie's team was chosen, not for their smarts, but rather for their loyalty.  They are incompetent "Yes Men," who are dumber than bricks.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Melting Down

 And so Friday is upon us.  Weather wise, it's supposed to be another really nice day with temps in the mid-80s (F) and plenty of sunshine.  The weekend however?  Well, forecasters are saying we're going to have overcast skies, it's going to be humid, and there will be showers and thunderstorms.  That's okay with me.  I work weekends.

If those weather predictions hold out, the store will be slow.  That's normal for this time of year.  We always get the "back to school doldrums," because families usually set aside these weeks for vacation.  Those that don't go on vacation are usually busy buying back to school clothing for their children.  Even the great, orange, home improvement retailer I work for has "back to school" specials; needing to compete with Walmart and Target is the only way to grow market share.

So, I've joined the Vizsla club on Facebook.  The time has come to start the puppy search.  Someone said I should have begun looking a few weeks back, but I don't need to pick one up the first day I get back from Greece.  I've waited this long, I can wait for another few weeks.  

Much was accomplished yesterday, including a 3 mile walk at Adams Ricci, and an 8 mile bike ride.  The rose bushes out front were trimmed back, as were the peony bushes.  My dahlias are coming in nice.  Tammy, from across the street, gave me some earlier in the summer, but they're small, no more than 8 inches high.  The ones I plant from bulbs usually grow to around 2 feet with large blooms.  Here's are tiny, and they look more like zinnias.

Yesterday, the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump, threw a party in an attempt to get media attention that his petty little ego craves.  MSNBC didn't carry it, in fact they criticized his futile attempt to spread his lies and deceit.  CNN started to carry it live, and then cut away.  Only Fox Entertainment stayed for the duration.  There were supposed to be a few softball questions after his rambling ended but tell me, does anybody care?  Some people did torture themselves by watching in order to report on his dementia.   He complained that he had every right to verbally attack Kamala Harris because, among other things, she called him weird.  You have to admit, complaining about being called weird is... well, pretty weird.  Most mature people would simply brush it off, however, his skin is so incredibly skin, his festering ego so fragile, calling him weird is like throwing water on the wicked witch of the West.  By calling him weird, those who want to, get to see him public melting down.  

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Pounded and Trounced

 The forecast for today is bountiful sunshine!  Their words, not mind.  Temps are supposed to climb into the high 80s (F), though yesterday they hit the low 90s (F), with little to no clouds in the sky.  This is a good thing.  I've some yardwork planned for this afternoon.  The front rosebushes need a drastic trimming.

I did get a 2.5 mile walk in yesterday, my only problem being dog people.  A lot of people like to walk their dogs at Adams Ricci, many by themselves, but there are dog groups.  I ran into one yesterday, and as I approached one of the women reigned in her dog saying, "come here, some people don't like dogs."  Of course, that couldn't be farther from the truth, however I don't like it when a group of 5 people with big dogs block the path.  And, just like me, there are a lot of people either walking or running in the park who were inconvenienced.  True, it's a public park, but consideration needs to be shown by all.  The second time I approached them, knowing they were going to continue blocking the path, I changed my route, as did other people.

And work yesterday was me getting paid to sit at the flooring desk.  I did have a brief discussion with a fellow associate about an article I'd read in Forbes (he'd read a similar article in another periodical) on how the large, orange home improvement retailer was reducing their forecast because.  They're still using that tired excuse that because so many people made home improvements during Covid, they're not interested in making them now.  That's not true.  People are just tired of retail price gauging.  What's sadly amusing about this, is that customers know this is going on, no matter how much retailers try, there's no pulling the wool over shopper's eyes.  People around the world are really fed up with corporate greed.

And then there's this:

Here's the source if you want a more accurate breakdown.  Ouchy, ouchy, ouchy!  Over 303,000 Democrats voted, with over 94% voting for Amy Klobuchar, while only 74,656 Republicans voted.  The Republicans had 2 ballot initiatives aimed at making it more difficult to vote and both were trounced.

The Orange Anus had some sort of teeny, weeny, not quite a rally, definitely not a town hall, hug-in last night for around 2400 people in Ashville, NC.  It was supposed to be about his economic policies, you know?  Like, it's time for another tax break for the rich?  Except, as is now always the case, it devolved into personal attacks.  That's how it's being reported by a number of media outlets, but not all.  I don't know what the NYT said, but as a news outlet, they've become irrelevant.  The only thing Donnie Dementia didn't do after yesterday's bitch session was brag about his crowd size.  That alone must hurt him like Hell.

And 2 complaints have been filed in regard to the Trump/Musk chatfest the other night.  One is that because Musk gave Trump airtime and chatted about the election, he broke campaign finance rules since that expensive conversation is considered a campaign donation.  Not that either of them gives a shit.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Women: The Republican Problem

 We're going to have another nice day.  Temps in the low to mid 80s (F), mostly blue skies, and a light breeze are predicted.  Yesterday was gorgeous.  I hung out 2 loads of laundry and they dried fast.  Temps are supposed to begin climbing as the week continues, but no day in the mid to upper 90s (F) are expected.  

I've also started looking at the long range forecasts.  My trip to Greece is only a few weeks away, and temperature was one of the things that came into play when I made my reservationist.  The country can get very hot there in the summer, and I didn't want to be climbing through different archeological sites sweating my cojones off.  I'm figuring that the weather should be nicely warm when I'm there.

Yesterday was a good day for getting things done.  I mowed my lawn!  Went on a 9 mile bike ride.  Wrote lots of pages.  These are all good things.  I do have to go to work today, but only for 5 hours.  I've changed my availability for when I get back.  I'm going to be working less hours, only 1 eight hour day, that'll be Sunday.

I saw this and thought it very appropriate.

A number of Christians, the Evangelical sect comes to mind, do believe that God sent the Orange Anus specifically to overturn Roe v Wade.  They hate the idea that a woman should have a choice over what's happening in her body, they prefer women to be vessels.  This is a bit ironic because many Evangelical women have only allowed their body to be a vessel a few times.  Even more ironic is the fact that this Bobo Supreme Court, when overturning Roe v Wade, said that states should have the right to decide on this issue, not the Federal Government.  Because of this many women and men have started collecting signatures.  They want to enshrine a woman's right to an abortion, should she feel the need for one, in their states constitution.  Five states have already passed this initiative, including Ruby Red Ohio, where the conservatives are flipping angry as Hell because Americans told them to shut.  As of yesterday, 8 more states have qualified this same initiative to be on the ballot, including Republican held Missouri, and Ronnie DeSantis' red state, Florida.  In every state where these initiatives have passed, Democrats have also beaten Republican candidates by a large margin.  Ouch!  This is not what the Alito court wanted.  It's not what Republicans want.  Women are not going to be subservient to their wishes.  Republicans have a very large problem, and they simply refuse to understand.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Orangie and the Technical Difficulties

 Temps are again predicted to be in the low 80s (F) today, with nearly cloudless skies and light breezes.  That being said, my first load of laundry is outside drying as I type, and the 2nd is in the washer.  

Yesterday, work was fine.  I got my mandatory 2 measures, and had a $1500 sale go through, so I'm ducky dandy for the week.  

I've plenty on my menu for today, including getting my hair cut.  I'd had it cut a while back thinking it wouldn't get shaggy before I left for Greece.  Boy, was I wrong.  While it's getting cut, I'll have them take care of my eyebrows, too.  

The final season of The Umbrella Academy is streaming on Netflix.  Since I enjoyed the past 3 seasons, I thought I'd give it a watch.  It's... okay.  Because it can take up to 2 years between each series of episodes, the cast has aged... a lot.  Originally the characters were young adults, in their early 20s, now they're adults and two of them have children.  Elliot Page looks and sounds like he's in his 40s (he's actually 37).  Megan Mullaly joins the cast for the final season, and I kept wondering why?  She's a good actor stuck in a two dimensional character.  It's not that I didn't think some parts were interesting, but mostly I kept thinking that this was a sad way to end a series, and when the final credits rolled I asked myself "that's it?"

Remember when Ronnie DeSantis announced his candidacy on Zitter?  Well Elon interviewed the Orange Anus last evening... after a 40 minutes delay because of technical difficulties a cyber attack that only effected Orangie and Elon.  No one else on the platform had a problem.  Ronnie D experienced the same technical difficulties cyber attack.  Orangie's appearance on Zitter caused Truth Social's stock to crash (dear me).  And when the interview finally happened, it turned out to be a rambling conversation with softball questions.  Only a fool would have expected anything else.

Here's a quote from the former Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.

Just think about that.  60% of Americans despise Orangie.  Sadly, his squeaky wheel is not going to get any grease and the squeaking is only going to get louder and angrier.  Of course, when he loses on November 5, he's going to lie again, claiming the election was rigged, and that the Democrats cheated.  That is if he's still able to speak coherently.  The angrier he gets, the more those tiny blood vessels in his orange, little brain come closer to popping him over into raging insanity. 

One of the things that had me laughing was that supposedly ranking members of the GOP are telling Orangie he needs to refocus.  Dear Lord, I'd have thought they'd have realized that this is as focused as he ever going to get.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Oh... Shit!

 Wow! it's 61 (F) outside.  That's cool for an August morning.  The high today is supposed to be in the very low 80s (F).  That's fine.  The prediction is for us to be in the same weather pattern for at least the next week.  That's nice, too.  While we've had some hot days this summer, we've lucked out if you compare us to the rest of the country, places that were sitting at 100 (F) of hotter for days on end.  It would have been nicer of the rain had been spread out a little more, rather than happen in a 24 hour period.  I had customers yesterday, who live a few miles away from me; they told me the rain gauge in their backyard was at 12 inches.

The closing Olympic ceremonies were last evening.  I didn't watch them, since I figured they'd be rather standardized for all those viewers who hate innovation.  Besides, I knew Tom Cruise was going to be participating and... well... blah.  That man is so weird, I'm sure he must be a Republican.

My first load of laundry has just finished and I was going to let it dry outside, but decided to hang in on the dryer in the laundry room instead.  I work today, and it isn't that I'd have a problem with my wash hanging outside all day, I just didn't want to have to take it down off the rack when I get home this evening.  

And management should be happy with me, I got 2 measures and a lead yesterday.  One of the measures is for blinds and after I'd set it up, the customers told me they were leaving for Ohio Tuesday evening... and not coming back.  They're going to be renting the house in Mechanicsburg.  Lucky for me, we've begun a system where the customer can design their own blinds at home and then pay for them.  There's no need for them ever to come back into the store.  The large orange, home improvement retailer I work for loves when we do things like this; it saves on payroll hours.

Donnie Dementia posed this on failing Truth Social media platform yesterday.

Someone asked if he was the whiniest bitch in America.  Honestly, I don't know about that, but he certainly is the loudest.  His dementia is certainly present in the above post, especially in his "later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish."  His rage has driven him a bit crazy, well, he's always been crazy, it's just that now his rage is now driving the bus.  Every time Harris has a larger crowd, or soaring campaign donations, thousands of little gray brain cells die in that man.  They implode and gush themselves into a soupy, snotty mess that spits out stupidities.  You can practically hear the Independent voters as they step back and say, "oh, shit."

Of course, the Main Stream Media wants this election to be a horserace, and so they refrain from writing about the obvious.  They don't understand that publishing about his mental decline would get them many more clicks than their attempt to create flawed drama regarding the election.  So many people love to rubberneck.  When they see an accident by the side of the road, they slow down as they pass in order to gander a view of the wreckage.  Articles about Donnie's decent into dementia would so much grow their revenue, their billionaire owners' lust for $$$ might even be sated... momentarily.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Trump Believes Screwing Over America is a Win

 Outside, the temperature is a comfy 69 (F).  The sky is clear.  Our high today will only be in the low 80s (F), which is doable.  Humidity is supposed to be down.  And, right outside my window a squirrel is climbing up the river birch.  His peaceful existence is going to be shattered when I get the puppy.

We are still under a "boil your water," emergency, but my water pressure is back up to where it had been.  The reason for the drop?  A very large water main began leaking.  Intensifying the problem was the fact that PA American Water didn't know where the leak was, so they shut down the entire system, which effected 42,000 people.  Once they determined the leak wasn't in your area, they turned the water back on, so I came home to full water pressure.  And things get better!  When the water in my basement went down, the LED on my water heater was flashing an error message: there was a problem with the pilot light system, perhaps because it had been under water.  Well, it's back to normal.  I have hot water!  So I guess all it needed to do was dry out.

Work was... okay.  I got a measure for blind and a lead for interior shutters.  I also hit my sales goal for the week.  Management should be very happy!

I did have to leave a note for HR.  They scheduled me to work on the day I leave for Greece.  Now, how silly is that.

And last night this happened:

Another packed rally, this one in Las Vegas!  I watched Walz's speech.  That man was fired up, and hitting all of the right buttons. 

One of the things the Harris/Walz campaign is doing is working with America's union groups.  That hasn't happened in a long time, at least not to this extent!  If you didn't know it, that burns the hell out of self-serving conservatives who are focused on one thing, their own greed.  

I saw that Trump has no rallies scheduled for the next 2 weeks.  Someone said it's because they have no money.  No money?  Oh, that's right, many of the dollars given to his campaign have be repurposed to pay his legal debts.  At least that's one of the reasons they're being siphoned off.  I'm better another is to line his pockets.  The whole family is in on the theft, and the grift.  

People are also talking about how quietly odd his campaign seems to be.  Is it because of some serious cognitive decline, they wonder?  Or does he feel he really doesn't have to campaign because he thinks he's going to steal the election?  That I don't think is true.  The Orange Anus is really not that smart.  His history of suing everyone who objects to him, or whom he thinks is standing in his way proves, he has no idea how to use blunt force trauma.  He is not a sly old fox.  He does, however, get great satisfaction in believing he's screwed you over.  Let's be honest, we have no idea how many secret documents he may have copied and sold.  We have no idea how many countries, like Egypt, sent him $10 million dollars.  In Trump's mind, everyone of those shitty deals is a win.  For his ego, it has always been about "The Art of the Deal."  He's never been loyal to America, and like all of those bankruptcies in his past, his demented mind may have already decided that screwing over the country is more satisfying than winning the election.  Besides, he's more concerned about getting sentenced to jail in September.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Truth Sinks In

 The outside temp is 67 (F) and there isn't a single cloud in the sky.  We're supposed to warm up today, into the mid to upper 80s (F), but, if the forecast is correct, daily highs will drop back into the low 80s (F) and no rain.  That will be nice.

We did get a lot of rain yesterday.  How much?  I have no idea, but it was a lot.  Debby went right over Central PA before soaking her way through New Jersey and New York.  Twenty-one counties have been declared disaster areas because roads have been washed out.  Yes, we had that much rain.  A water main broke somewhere in Mechanicsburg and we're under a "boil water" order until further notice.  While I have water, the pressure is low.  Showering will be difficult, so I may end up taking a sponge bath before I go to work.  

I ended up with around 8 inches of water in my basement.  As I've said before, when it does flood, it drains fast, so the floor is already beginning to dry.  My new water heater took a hit though.  I reset it, but the light is flashing 5 times followed by a 3 second pause.  That indicates a pilot light issue.  It's a Bradford White Defender, and since cold showers don't bother me, later this morning I'll contact them and arrange for a repairman to come, hopefully on Tuesday.  

Yesterday I made sure my credit card was good to go in Greece.  I also arranged for international calling for my T-Mobile account.  It's an extra $50 for one month.  I'll have to restart the phone when I get there, but after that I can call (should I want to) and send texts without having to rely on wi-fi.  

And then yesterday this also happened.

Twenty thousand people went to rally with Kamala Harris.  Just let that truth sink in.

The Orange Anus held a rally yesterday as well, in Bozeman, Montana, in an arena that holds a little less than 9000.  It was half full.  For those who don't know, Montana is a deeply red Republican state, and the arena was half full.  Of course, several of the Main Stream Media outlets streamed his rally live.  They simply don't understand.  A very large portion of America is fed up with their insistent coverage of Trump.  No one wants to see close-ups of the Orange Anus.  No one wants to listen to his cognitive decline.  Yet, they continue to show these things because the Moral Degenerate has people clicking on their websites.  And, in a very odd way, they are furthering the demise of his campaign by constantly airing Trump's tired, old bullshit.  What criticisms they have of the Orange Anus are not in bold print by any means.  This morning the WaPo, in a very minor headline, stated that the GOP's new worry was that the Idiot can't drive a coherent message.  Duh  Just let that truth sink in.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Trump = Bobo Brain

 Well... we have rain.  Because of the speed with which Debby Does the Eastern Seaboard, we will have rain for about 24 hours straight.  There is some breeziness, but not wind, and the rain is moving through in bands.  Sometimes it's heavy, but never torrential.  Depending upon where you are in Central PA, you might get as much as 6 inches.  The temps are in the low 70s (F), and believe me when I say it's humid. Wow, new update, we're under a tornado watch until 2 PM this afternoon.

Yesterday was one of those days where some chores were accomplished, and others... well, they're waiting for today.  One of the things I did do, was clean the filter for the aquarium in the living room.  While not heavy, it is bulky.  After the filtering medium had been replaced, and the hoses cleaned, and it looked spit shiny new, put it on the shelf under the tank, plugged it in and got... nothing.  Well, it did make a noise, but it wouldn't pump.  I primed, and primed, and primed, and nothing. It's only about 3 years old, so I was expecting it to last longer, sadly, however, it's now in the trash.  A new one is arriving today.  

Also, I got a ride in on the bike.  I rode 8 miles on 8/8.  How's that for interesting.  

And, of course, this happened.  

And this:

I did watch some of it... oh, say 2 or 3 minutes before I turned it off.  I find it fascinating that MSM carried his insanity live, don't they realize how bad he looks and sounds?  His saying that his crowd on January 6 was bigger than Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" crowd was...well... to put it simply, nuts.  He tried to overthrow the election, and he's talking about the size of the crowd?  Give me a break!  He bragged about Roe v Wade, saying he didn't think it was going to be a big issue this election.  He epitomizes the Republican party, who believe they only need to be in charge in order to make America conservative.  Thinking is not something they like to do.  Why should they try and understand America?  "Shut up!  We're in charge," is their mantra.  And this Supreme Court gave this bobo brain immunity so he could do just that.  There's is no fixing stupid.  I've said this before, he's the worst thing to happen to the Republican party.  Every time he opens his mouth, he opens the Gates of Hell a little wider.  Good riddance.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Karma and the Supreme Court

 The temps are in the mid 60s (F) and only predicted to climb into the upper 70s (F), so the A/C and the ceiling fans are turned off.  However, the cloudy, drizzle of yesterday meant using the dryer rather than hanging my 2 loads of laundry out to dry, so while it was a savings on my electrical bill, it wasn't a great savings, more of a trade-off.  And even though the temperature is not cooking, it's still humid.

I put a timer on the light for the aquarium in the the living room.  My neighbor from across the street will be feeding my fish while I'm gone, but I don't want her having to come over to turn the lights off, and then come back over to turn them off.  I'm not wild about having people in my house when I'm not home, so the fewer times she's inside, the better.  

Feeling there was a need for a break between the backsplash and the counter, I put a tile border in yesterday putting a line between the two.  It's tan, and dresses up the counter / backsplash.

And I finally went to see Deadpool and Wolverine last evening.  There is a reason why it's the number 1 movie in the country, earing over $420 million in just 13 days.  It's funny.  It's violent.  It's also touching at times.  It has the ugliest dog in the world.  And most important!  There is chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman.  It's a buddy film in which the buddies don't really like each other, and sometimes hate each other, and frequently try and kill each other, a difficult thing to do since they both regenerate.  I enjoyed this immensely!

Here's something to think about:  many were upset when the Supreme Court decided that presidents have immunity for almost everything they do when they're in office.  Of course, the majority of conservatives reached this decision when they believe the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump, was easily going to win this election because he was running against Joe Biden.  They were giving the Orange Anus the power to do whatever he wanted in order to force the country down an ultra conservative path.  Now, however, the game has changed.  Trump is running against Kamala Harris and flailing.  The "Sure Thing" the Supreme Court was counting on has now become a millstone around their necks.  This is why Gorsuch whined about Democrats changing the courts.  The fact that they believe themselves to be kingmakers is not lost a a large majority of Americans.  Their Karma is approaching.  When it comes, do not be overjoyed at their suffering.  Nope.  Just enjoy the feeling of satisfaction that the world is now a better place.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Moving Back to Normal

 Well, we had rain... lots of rain.  Torrential downpours.  Our current temp is 69 (F).  The prediction is for it to hit the mid 80s (F), and it's possible that we may get more showers.  Same old, same old for tomorrow.  In fact, I stepped outside and it's drizzling now.  And on Friday, Debby's supposed to arrive.  The predictions so far are for about 2 inches of rain.  After that, everything will be green again and mowing will once again commence.

I checked in the basement this morning and there was no water.  Not only did we have heavy rain, we had wind.  I lost a branch from my gingko tree.  It looked odd, whipping back and forth in the wind. 

And for those interested, I have begun the puppy search.  Living here in Central PA, as Maddie will tell you, we're very close to Lancaster country where there innumerable numbers of puppy mills.  I bought Lily from one of them that seemed rather reputable, and she had problems with socialization.  They're all located on farms, and the owners are breeding a number of different breeds. They're less expensive, and they're AKC registered, but there's so much inbreeding it's ridiculous.  So, this time I'm probably going to be driving a couple of hours.  We are moving back to normal.

Last night this happened!

I saw snippets and pieces.  What joy!  As someone pointed out, there wasn't a silly hat, no weird costumes, and no vulgar signs.  It's my understanding that the Main Stream Media news shows (except possibly Fox Entertainment) aired the entire 80 minute celebration in its entirety.  There was no "wanna be a billionaire" ego on stage, just two people who came from the middle-class.  When they say that in America, anyone can grow up to be president, this is what they mean.  

My brother told me he thinks millions will vote for Trump because they're so opposed to a Madam President.  I told him he's wrong.  Republicans totally underestimate how much the Spawn of Satan is hated in this country.  Those who don't want a Madam President will sit this one out, believing that in four years they'll be able to put a man back in the White House.  The Orange Anus is a cancer, and only the stupid will infect themselves with cancer.